1. 2013年6月之后就没看到有人 报offer了。
-- People are getting interviews and offers every week.
-- Looking again if you did't find.
2. 页面一半中文一半英文看着怪怪的。
-- Can benefit both Chinese/English reading.
3. 说点实际的吧,纯DB,但是全都是RDBMS, 现在这么流行nonsql,你上面都没有提到
过一句,难道nonsql 没有学习的价值或者意义?或者是太简单不用学?这个我不清楚
,我也不了解,而且里面大部分db 的技术都比较老套,感觉都过时了,估计只有一些
银行或者一些finance 的公司,依然用那么旧的东西,当然这个不是绝对,只是感觉,
-- We have Hadoop big data class.
-- We are the ONLY Chinese Hadoop class teach student install multi node
Hadoop cluster on cloud.
-- You don't know this industry, you don't know what is NoSQL;
-- NoSQL means NOT ONLY SQL, actually it Uses
more and More SQL, like Hadoop's Hive is all SQL.
-- The skills we are teaching is used in every large/small companies.
4. 里面鼓吹学db好,而且你这个ID也一直在mitbbs 鼓吹学db好,这个学DB是好,也不
要加班,24小时oncall, 至少我以前的公司是那样的,DBA 天天抱怨累,而且一般
release 都是在下班以后甚至半夜,这个时候是需要DBA工作的。真心希望你不要在
jobhunting 板块误导大家,打打广告什么的无所谓。
-- You do not know wheat we are teaching about.
-- We are not teaching DBA skills.
-- We teach Database Analyst skills which is widely used everywhere.
-- All our graduate are happy with the lifestyle of this kind of jobs.
5. 价格真心贵,我没看过视频,但是觉得这些视频youtube 肯定都有,讲得好不好是
-- iPhone is expensive too.
-- Compare with what students get, our prices is NOT high at all.
-- We have all the videos on internet, people with normal brain can make
judgement by them self.
-- Many Chinese people changed their life after take our courses.
6. 而且去学这个 还真不如找个ICC,免费培训外加免费包装,外加免费找工作。不要说
ICC 会拿回扣,拿完回扣之后的工资还是很可观的。
-- Are you a Indian guy? You sound's eating a curry lunch today.
7. 开始还以为是个官方网站,原来是用google 的blog 改的。一个server都不舍得搭
,一个学员2999,够你 server 运行至少5年了吧。
-- Web page is just a web page.
-- As long as it functions well and deliver the information, any tool will
be OK.
哎,我也是上班实在是无聊,到处瞎看。 没别的意思,很客观的表达我自己的想法。
-- Enjoy work.
-- Deliver more positive world to help our Chinese people if you have time.
-- 七年来,我们持之以恒,不懈努力,帮每一个想出来工作的咱国同胞都尽快拿到好
工作, 愿更多的咱国家庭生活更美好!