1+手机用了一年左右,充电接头略微有点问题# PDA - 掌中宝
1 楼
我现在的公司想扩张data science team。是一个做大数据的pre-ipo公司(比较有前途
的一个),在PALO ALTO,几个月后搬到237那边吧。这个team主要是做consulting
Key responsibilities include:
Help customers understand and evaluate data science use-cases appropriate
for their business
Collaborate with customer teams to formulate the problem, recommend a
solution approach and design a data architecture
Create a prototype in R, Python, Java or similar stack to demonstrate the
results of various algorithmic approaches and evaluate their performance
Work with the customer team to implement, test and deploy the full solution
on their Hadoop cluster in a production environment
Required expertise:
BS or MS in Computer Science, statistics, applied math or equivalent
Proficiency in R, Matlab, Python Scikit-learn or other statistical modeling
package / environment, with a focus on machine learning; experience with NLP
a plus
Experience developing production systems for processing large volumes of
structured and unstructured data in Java, Python or similar technology stack
Good knowledge of Hadoop technology stack (Map reduce, HIVE/PIG, etc)
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Strong team player, capable of working collaboratively in customer teams
这个位置主要是和客户接触帮他们做项目。 我认为这个位置主要是看能不能解决很实
还是应该知道一些,虽然不是特别要求。比如join two tables, map-side and reduce
-side join还是应该知道一些吧。
有需要推荐的可以给我发email, [email protected]
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的一个),在PALO ALTO,几个月后搬到237那边吧。这个team主要是做consulting
Key responsibilities include:
Help customers understand and evaluate data science use-cases appropriate
for their business
Collaborate with customer teams to formulate the problem, recommend a
solution approach and design a data architecture
Create a prototype in R, Python, Java or similar stack to demonstrate the
results of various algorithmic approaches and evaluate their performance
Work with the customer team to implement, test and deploy the full solution
on their Hadoop cluster in a production environment
Required expertise:
BS or MS in Computer Science, statistics, applied math or equivalent
Proficiency in R, Matlab, Python Scikit-learn or other statistical modeling
package / environment, with a focus on machine learning; experience with NLP
a plus
Experience developing production systems for processing large volumes of
structured and unstructured data in Java, Python or similar technology stack
Good knowledge of Hadoop technology stack (Map reduce, HIVE/PIG, etc)
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Strong team player, capable of working collaboratively in customer teams
这个位置主要是和客户接触帮他们做项目。 我认为这个位置主要是看能不能解决很实
还是应该知道一些,虽然不是特别要求。比如join two tables, map-side and reduce
-side join还是应该知道一些吧。
有需要推荐的可以给我发email, [email protected]
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/* ]]> */