软软深夜急电# PDA - 掌中宝
【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: algra (algra), 信区: CS
标 题: Research Software Engineer Opportunity
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 30 17:10:29 2014, 美东)
The company I work for is looking for a research software engineer with
strong C++, graphics and/or GUI development experience.
Contact me if you are interested.
Some requirements are listed here:
● BS degree or higher in computer/biomedical science or engineering, or
a related field.
● Proficient in object-oriented software development using C/C++
● Good knowledge on building cross-platform code (e.g. using CMAKE,
Visual Studio)
● Understanding and prior experience with OpenGL or 3D graphics engines.
● Experience in GUI development with Qt or other tools.
● Experience in scripting languages is a plus
● Experience in character animation and dynamics is a plus.
● Multithreading or parallel computing experience with Thread/MPI/GPUs
is a plus.
● Strong analytical & mathematics skills and problem-solving skills.
● Good written and oral communication skills and ability to multitask.
朝令夕改,no do no die。
We’re emailing you because you’re a member of one or more groups in
OneDrive. Groups will no longer be available in OneDrive after October16,
2015, and all group files and info will be deleted. To see your groups, go
to OneDrivecom, sign in, and then look under Groups in the navigation pane.
If you want to keep any of the group files, follow the steps in Move files
from a group to your own OneDrive. To share the files again after you move
them to your own OneDrive, see Share files and folders and change
Thank you,
The OneDrive team
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.4


【在 w*****g 的大作中提到】
: 朝令夕改,no do no die。
: We’re emailing you because you’re a member of one or more groups in
: OneDrive. Groups will no longer be available in OneDrive after October16,
: 2015, and all group files and info will be deleted. To see your groups, go
: to OneDrivecom, sign in, and then look under Groups in the navigation pane.
: If you want to keep any of the group files, follow the steps in Move files
: from a group to your own OneDrive. To share the files again after you move
: them to your own OneDrive, see Share files and folders and change
: permissions.
: Thank you,



【在 w*****g 的大作中提到】
: 朝令夕改,no do no die。
: We’re emailing you because you’re a member of one or more groups in
: OneDrive. Groups will no longer be available in OneDrive after October16,
: 2015, and all group files and info will be deleted. To see your groups, go
: to OneDrivecom, sign in, and then look under Groups in the navigation pane.
: If you want to keep any of the group files, follow the steps in Move files
: from a group to your own OneDrive. To share the files again after you move
: them to your own OneDrive, see Share files and folders and change
: permissions.
: Thank you,



【在 w*****g 的大作中提到】
: 朝令夕改,no do no die。
: We’re emailing you because you’re a member of one or more groups in
: OneDrive. Groups will no longer be available in OneDrive after October16,
: 2015, and all group files and info will be deleted. To see your groups, go
: to OneDrivecom, sign in, and then look under Groups in the navigation pane.
: If you want to keep any of the group files, follow the steps in Move files
: from a group to your own OneDrive. To share the files again after you move
: them to your own OneDrive, see Share files and folders and change
: permissions.
: Thank you,

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