我们家没有老人帮忙,也没有nanny,我跟我老婆都是full time job 娃三个月就送daycare 怕生病,怎么都怕,去哪里都怕 至于被大小孩儿欺负,呵呵,infant baby不涉及这个 长大了去toddler了,那就一句话 Don't start a fight, but finish it
one more thing 我父母当年可以算是最最严厉的父母了,我跟我姐小时候完全就是那种家教非常严格的 环境中长大的,任何东西都是“必需”才买。 我外甥女出生才三天,我爹就差点儿跑去给她买一个4000多块的金老虎。那是1998年, 我爹的工资才千把块。后来就不说了,那叫有求必应。我哪儿敢放手让爷爷奶奶带小孩 儿啊。
Re. Sending your child back to China will let you miss the best time in your parenting experience. I think it would be rewarding time for parents and i don't want to miss it. Plus, the bond established since birth will be broken or at least damaged.