2 楼
if you can't find a free shipping code, use kiosk. that's what I always do.
6 楼
where I live if you buy through kiosk is always free shipping.
I bought a pair of shoes with free shipping and 30% online but too big, so I
went to kohl's they said they don't have it in store ask me to order by
myself through kiosk, (I didn't have 30% off any more) so I did it, after
the new one came I went back, they returned it and did an exchange so I got
the right size with the old discount price.
to the others:
just go to a store find a kiosk, follow the instruction. those sales person
will help you too.
you can pay by any card.... I beleive.
I bought a pair of shoes with free shipping and 30% online but too big, so I
went to kohl's they said they don't have it in store ask me to order by
myself through kiosk, (I didn't have 30% off any more) so I did it, after
the new one came I went back, they returned it and did an exchange so I got
the right size with the old discount price.
to the others:
just go to a store find a kiosk, follow the instruction. those sales person
will help you too.
you can pay by any card.... I beleive.
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