either crate training or limit his play space... even for Lulu and Xiuxiu, they gonna be in the bathroom if we are away for more than 2 hrs b/c there are several "oops" moments and a lot of money spending on their "oops" accidents even they are fully adults
59 楼
pat pat,danny还是puppy呢,还是先用crate吧,直到能确定他不会乱折腾再放出来。 其实你们家这种情况挺常见的,只是阶段性的,以后会好起来的。我们家那个正好相反 ,他自己一人在家的时候好像除了睡觉啥也不会,连bullystick都不吃,我都怕他是不 是不正常,不知道狗会不会得忧郁症什么的。