新猫妈问题很多啦——关于猫粮# pets - 心有所宠
Seller's Statement of Property Condition里头第32个问题:
Insects: History of Termites/Wood Destroying inspects or Rodents Problems?
If Yes, explain treatment and dates
了termite tunnel,问对方agent怎么回事,对方agent也不清楚,马上打电话给卖主才

【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: Seller's Statement of Property Condition里头第32个问题:
: Insects: History of Termites/Wood Destroying inspects or Rodents Problems?
: If Yes, explain treatment and dates
: 卖主填的是No,但实际上有过白蚁历史,我们的inspector在车库门旁边的木头里发现
: 了termite tunnel,问对方agent怎么回事,对方agent也不清楚,马上打电话给卖主才
: 承认在他们买这房子以前是有过白蚁。他们说前房主处理过了,后来再没重犯过。因为
: 在他们拥有房子的期间只是做处理,但没有爆发白蚁问题,所以不必提供这个信息。这
: 么说对么?

是撒谎。 我见过几栋屋子标明 Yes的. 白蚁通常只要及时处理就不算大问题。但是你
的Inspector 必须替你发掘一切可能有过的白蚁伤害, 尤其是结构沉重的那些部分。
假如问题严重, 就别买了。

【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: Seller's Statement of Property Condition里头第32个问题:
: Insects: History of Termites/Wood Destroying inspects or Rodents Problems?
: If Yes, explain treatment and dates
: 卖主填的是No,但实际上有过白蚁历史,我们的inspector在车库门旁边的木头里发现
: 了termite tunnel,问对方agent怎么回事,对方agent也不清楚,马上打电话给卖主才
: 承认在他们买这房子以前是有过白蚁。他们说前房主处理过了,后来再没重犯过。因为
: 在他们拥有房子的期间只是做处理,但没有爆发白蚁问题,所以不必提供这个信息。这
: 么说对么?


【在 m**u 的大作中提到】
: 拉肚子只是坏处的一种,主要还是猫对碳水化合物的代谢能力差,长期食用带来的代谢
: 负担可能会损坏他们的肾。



【在 a**s 的大作中提到】
: 明摆着。

【在 i****i 的大作中提到】
: 就是还是换成Grain-free的比较好咯^_^
: 碳水化合物。。那小豆儿还特别喜欢吃各种水果(苹果草莓橘子葡萄西瓜香蕉),还有
: 玉米和青豆。。
: 。总之基本上我喜欢吃的她都喜欢吃,以后是不是不能给她吃了啊。虽然我每次只给她
: 一丁丁。。。


【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: 原帖没写清楚,是前房主住的时候发现了白蚁,进行了处理
: Problems?

了,现任房主买入之后每年做一次pest control

【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: 是撒谎。 我见过几栋屋子标明 Yes的. 白蚁通常只要及时处理就不算大问题。但是你
: 的Inspector 必须替你发掘一切可能有过的白蚁伤害, 尤其是结构沉重的那些部分。
: 假如问题严重, 就别买了。

谢谢啦~~我看了置顶的帖子,然后买了Wellness core,EVO Turkey and Chicken 和
Herring and Salmon 三种Grain-free的猫粮给小豆儿尝尝 看看她喜欢哪种o(≧v≦)o

【在 h**********d 的大作中提到】
: 置顶有一个常识帖子,写猫的食物的,很详细很全
现在我们的agent说白蚁是“one of the easiest pests to get rid of a monitor”


【在 a**s 的大作中提到】
: 查谁撒不撒谎不那么重要了,反正问题是摆在那里了。关键是查看白蚁伤害的严重程度。

嘿嘿 你真好 ~(@^_^@)~

【在 m****o 的大作中提到】
: 不懂,帮顶!希望你家小豆儿健健康康滴长大~~~
希望白蚁伤害只限于房子外部啦, 可现实是:凡是有木头的地方就招白蚁, 屋内木头
有没有受到侵害, 完全看前面两任物业主杀虫动作和准确率是不是比白蚁的速度快了。
这么说吧, 你无法凭借卖主说的话语来判断他的房屋受伤害程度, 你只能依靠房检人
员用钢叉在承重结构上又截又敲, 听听有无空洞声音。哪怕房检人员他也只能告诉你
“有迹象表明'蚁害, 最好还是邀请白蚁专家来查一遍有什么需要继续杀的地方,比如
, 院子里有没有蚁巢? 起码你可以要求卖方给你出示请白蚁公司杀白蚁的收据凭证。
白蚁公司还会提供“保修”n 年无害的凭证。

【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: 澄清一下,是以前的房主在的时候有白蚁问题,主要在deck上,杀完了之后deck也全换
: 了,现任房主买入之后每年做一次pest control

房检人员只查到一处的木头有蚁洞,没有建议我们找白蚁专家。白蚁公司的paper work
喽?我们比较纠结的是这会影响home velue,反正如果我们早知道有过白蚁的问题肯定


【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: 希望白蚁伤害只限于房子外部啦, 可现实是:凡是有木头的地方就招白蚁, 屋内木头
: 有没有受到侵害, 完全看前面两任物业主杀虫动作和准确率是不是比白蚁的速度快了。
: 这么说吧, 你无法凭借卖主说的话语来判断他的房屋受伤害程度, 你只能依靠房检人
: 员用钢叉在承重结构上又截又敲, 听听有无空洞声音。哪怕房检人员他也只能告诉你
: “有迹象表明'蚁害, 最好还是邀请白蚁专家来查一遍有什么需要继续杀的地方,比如
: , 院子里有没有蚁巢? 起码你可以要求卖方给你出示请白蚁公司杀白蚁的收据凭证。
: 白蚁公司还会提供“保修”n 年无害的凭证。

我看到置顶的帖子上面写啦 O(∩_∩)O~ 不过不知道其他水果呢 草莓西瓜橙子什么的
一丁点儿当treat呀? 她真的很喜欢水果,比闻到肉还开心 -_-|||

【在 p***7 的大作中提到】
: 那个,我多嘴一句,猫不能吃葡萄。。。
In MA, termite issue is not a mandatory disclosure issue. But the seelr has
to tell you the truth if you ask. Since the seller has filled out the
disclosure form, it means the seller is voluntarily disclosing the defects.
In this case. he MUST tell the truth. He knows this defect before and he is
supposed to disclose "YES" i nthe disclosure form.
The seller's disclosure form is not required by the State. Some good big
companies or listing agents always ask the sellers to fill the seller's
disclosure form to disclose any defect before the buyers move forward.
You can ask your agent to firmly tell the listing agent "If you know this
defect, you won't have given them this offer" to ask the credit you feel
comfortable.The seller is not honest based on the story now, or he forgot to
put it in?? Don't offense the seller by saying he is not honest though.
Just simply tell him the above.
Termite issue is not a big issue only depending how bad the damage and if
the house has active termite.

【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: Seller's Statement of Property Condition里头第32个问题:
: Insects: History of Termites/Wood Destroying inspects or Rodents Problems?
: If Yes, explain treatment and dates
: 卖主填的是No,但实际上有过白蚁历史,我们的inspector在车库门旁边的木头里发现
: 了termite tunnel,问对方agent怎么回事,对方agent也不清楚,马上打电话给卖主才
: 承认在他们买这房子以前是有过白蚁。他们说前房主处理过了,后来再没重犯过。因为
: 在他们拥有房子的期间只是做处理,但没有爆发白蚁问题,所以不必提供这个信息。这
: 么说对么?



【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: In MA, termite issue is not a mandatory disclosure issue. But the seelr has
: to tell you the truth if you ask. Since the seller has filled out the
: disclosure form, it means the seller is voluntarily disclosing the defects.
: In this case. he MUST tell the truth. He knows this defect before and he is
: supposed to disclose "YES" i nthe disclosure form.
: The seller's disclosure form is not required by the State. Some good big
: companies or listing agents always ask the sellers to fill the seller's
: disclosure form to disclose any defect before the buyers move forward.
: You can ask your agent to firmly tell the listing agent "If you know this
: defect, you won't have given them this offer" to ask the credit you feel


【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: 你被解冻了?
: 这些说法对头。也许至少可以向卖方要回一些换车库门的钱。
: has
: .
: is


【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: 我从来没有在别的版被封。只在"曾经白色恐怖下的BOSTON版"被封十四天呀。
thanks, we are going to ask my agent renegotinate. but she seems not
concerned with past termite treatment history, according to her termite is
one of the easiest pests to get rid of.
BTW, current owner doesn't have the original treatment report since it was
done by the previous owner. all we can get is the paperwork from pest
prevention company which is hired by current owner. to me, it essentially
means we can't know how bad was the damage.


【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: In MA, termite issue is not a mandatory disclosure issue. But the seelr has
: to tell you the truth if you ask. Since the seller has filled out the
: disclosure form, it means the seller is voluntarily disclosing the defects.
: In this case. he MUST tell the truth. He knows this defect before and he is
: supposed to disclose "YES" i nthe disclosure form.
: The seller's disclosure form is not required by the State. Some good big
: companies or listing agents always ask the sellers to fill the seller's
: disclosure form to disclose any defect before the buyers move forward.
: You can ask your agent to firmly tell the listing agent "If you know this
: defect, you won't have given them this offer" to ask the credit you feel

Sorry that I feel writing in English is much easier now since today I wrote a lot of emails in English.
If the current owner did annual termite service, he should have report from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
Active termite into the woods in the house take at least one year to be able to tell if termite is clear after initial treatment. With treatment, termite will go away eventually. But it is a journey that you may not like to spend time on. Active termites only found around the ground is not difficult to get rid of.
Termites are SO common in New England. I can tell you a lot of stories
related to termites from my agent experience. The termites in MA are luckily not dry termites who live in woods (Drywood termite) in California. Dry wood termites cost much more to be treated and hard to get rid of. Termites here are subterranean termites who have nests in the grounds around the house and dig tunnels into the house.In MA, treatment of termites is just under $2000 (900-2000) for the initial treatment depending how big the house is and annual fee $150-$300 to do service and annual check.
Find the damage first and get an idea how much it costs to repair. Looks like the damage only limited to the garage? It is detached or attached garage? If it is detached, the termite may not enter the house yet. Ask a termite professional to check the inside of the house to find any signs of termite damage or tunnels.
It is a risk-taking action anyway to buy any house with signs of termites. You won't be able to know how bad the damage inside the walls or sidings unless you open them. You never know what will happen, but don't over-imagine too.

【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: thanks, we are going to ask my agent renegotinate. but she seems not
: concerned with past termite treatment history, according to her termite is
: one of the easiest pests to get rid of.
: BTW, current owner doesn't have the original treatment report since it was
: done by the previous owner. all we can get is the paperwork from pest
: prevention company which is hired by current owner. to me, it essentially
: means we can't know how bad was the damage.
: has
: .

the current owner had this house for 17 years. he said that previous owner
did initial treatment and he never found active termites since. but I really
don't know if we should trust him. if his pest control company presents
paperwork saying so as well maybe I will believe.
the problem is, it takes time to contract a termite professional to check
inside but the seller agent is pushing us to give an answer tomorrow.

wrote a lot of emails in English.
from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
able to tell if termite is clear. With treatment, termite will go away
eventually. But it is a journey that you may not like to spend time on.
Active termites only found around
luckily not dry termites who live in woods (Drywood termite) in California.
Dry wood termites cost much more to be treated and hard to get rid of.
Termites here are subterranean ter
like the damage only limited to the garage? It is detached or attached
garage? If it is detached, the termite may not enter the house yet. Ask a
termite professional to check th
You won't be able to know how bad the damage inside the walls or sidings
unless you open them. You never know what will happen, but don't over-
imagine too.

【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: Sorry that I feel writing in English is much easier now since today I wrote a lot of emails in English.
: If the current owner did annual termite service, he should have report from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
: Active termite into the woods in the house take at least one year to be able to tell if termite is clear after initial treatment. With treatment, termite will go away eventually. But it is a journey that you may not like to spend time on. Active termites only found around the ground is not difficult to get rid of.
: Termites are SO common in New England. I can tell you a lot of stories
: related to termites from my agent experience. The termites in MA are luckily not dry termites who live in woods (Drywood termite) in California. Dry wood termites cost much more to be treated and hard to get rid of. Termites here are subterranean termites who have nests in the grounds around the house and dig tunnels into the house.In MA, treatment of termites is just under $2000 (900-2000) for the initial treatment depending how big the house is and annual fee $150-$300 to do service and annual check.
: Find the damage first and get an idea how much it costs to repair. Looks like the damage only limited to the garage? It is detached or attached garage? If it is detached, the termite may not enter the house yet. Ask a termite professional to check the inside of the house to find any signs of termite damage or tunnels.
: It is a risk-taking action anyway to buy any house with signs of termites. You won't be able to know how bad the damage inside the walls or sidings unless you open them. You never know what will happen, but don't over-imagine too.

BTW, according to your experience, how much can be negotiated down in this
situation? so far no sign of termite damage inside was found. our inspector
has the license for wood destroying insect inspection. thanks

wrote a lot of emails in English.
from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
able to tell if termite is clear. With treatment, termite will go away
eventually. But it is a journey that you may not like to spend time on.
Active termites only found around
luckily not dry termites who live in woods (Drywood termite) in California.
Dry wood termites cost much more to be treated and hard to get rid of.
Termites here are subterranean ter
like the damage only limited to the garage? It is detached or attached
garage? If it is detached, the termite may not enter the house yet. Ask a
termite professional to check th
You won't be able to know how bad the damage inside the walls or sidings
unless you open them. You never know what will happen, but don't over-
imagine too.

【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: Sorry that I feel writing in English is much easier now since today I wrote a lot of emails in English.
: If the current owner did annual termite service, he should have report from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
: Active termite into the woods in the house take at least one year to be able to tell if termite is clear after initial treatment. With treatment, termite will go away eventually. But it is a journey that you may not like to spend time on. Active termites only found around the ground is not difficult to get rid of.
: Termites are SO common in New England. I can tell you a lot of stories
: related to termites from my agent experience. The termites in MA are luckily not dry termites who live in woods (Drywood termite) in California. Dry wood termites cost much more to be treated and hard to get rid of. Termites here are subterranean termites who have nests in the grounds around the house and dig tunnels into the house.In MA, treatment of termites is just under $2000 (900-2000) for the initial treatment depending how big the house is and annual fee $150-$300 to do service and annual check.
: Find the damage first and get an idea how much it costs to repair. Looks like the damage only limited to the garage? It is detached or attached garage? If it is detached, the termite may not enter the house yet. Ask a termite professional to check the inside of the house to find any signs of termite damage or tunnels.
: It is a risk-taking action anyway to buy any house with signs of termites. You won't be able to know how bad the damage inside the walls or sidings unless you open them. You never know what will happen, but don't over-imagine too.

So this is a case that I want to put red flag on. The initial treatment is
17 Years ago. If the current seller continue termite service, he may have
some reports. Based on the information you give, the seller doesn't see
termite. How can you believe him? He is not an expert and he is defending
his OWN house.
Get your own termite professionals to check inside is the only step to
protect you. Ask your agent to extend the inspection deadline.Call Terminix
to get free termite inspection inside. However, people from Terminix are
different. Sometimes you have a good one, sometimes you have a so-so one.
I had a buyer who did termite further check by Terminix after general
inspection, and found beam was damaged 3/4 depth. Since the house is in W
city, the house was still sold to somebody else with very good price quickly
after the seller repaired the beam.This is life in good towns around Boston
.Say, everything is not a very big deal if this is your dream house.


【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: the current owner had this house for 17 years. he said that previous owner
: did initial treatment and he never found active termites since. but I really
: don't know if we should trust him. if his pest control company presents
: paperwork saying so as well maybe I will believe.
: the problem is, it takes time to contract a termite professional to check
: inside but the seller agent is pushing us to give an answer tomorrow.
: wrote a lot of emails in English.
: from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
: able to tell if termite is clear. With treatment, termite will go away

You can ask credit to repair the damage for sure.
For imaged damage (i.e. damage in the wall that you cannot see and not sure
there is damage), it is hard to tell. Just find a number that you feel
comfortable for yourself and start from there.
It is not easy to negotiate much down if the location/house is good and the
seller is not desperate to sell.


【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: BTW, according to your experience, how much can be negotiated down in this
: situation? so far no sign of termite damage inside was found. our inspector
: has the license for wood destroying insect inspection. thanks
: wrote a lot of emails in English.
: from the termite company saying "no active termite" or something else.
: able to tell if termite is clear. With treatment, termite will go away
: eventually. But it is a journey that you may not like to spend time on.
: Active termites only found around
: luckily not dry termites who live in woods (Drywood termite) in California.

“Get your own termite professionals to check inside is the only step to
protect you.”这个很对, 也是我主张的,卖主说什么,怎么说无关紧要, 重要的是
"repaired the beam" 换完了受驻大梁就可以了, 况且这种工程比较贵。


【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: So this is a case that I want to put red flag on. The initial treatment is
: 17 Years ago. If the current seller continue termite service, he may have
: some reports. Based on the information you give, the seller doesn't see
: termite. How can you believe him? He is not an expert and he is defending
: his OWN house.
: Get your own termite professionals to check inside is the only step to
: protect you. Ask your agent to extend the inspection deadline.Call Terminix
: to get free termite inspection inside. However, people from Terminix are
: different. Sometimes you have a good one, sometimes you have a so-so one.
: I had a buyer who did termite further check by Terminix after general

even termite professionals can't see damage in the walls?


【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: You can ask credit to repair the damage for sure.
: For imaged damage (i.e. damage in the wall that you cannot see and not sure
: there is damage), it is hard to tell. Just find a number that you feel
: comfortable for yourself and start from there.
: It is not easy to negotiate much down if the location/house is good and the
: seller is not desperate to sell.
: inspector
: .

Termite companies will ask you to sign an agreement that they can only make sure what they can see. They cannot see through walls. But an experienced termite inspector can find signs and check carefully to his best.
The case I told you in W city: The inspector found signs in an area, traced up, found a small open area in the covered beam, checked and found the beam was seriously damaged by termites.He did a very good job. That area can be easily overlooked by a general inspector who just has the license for wood destroying insect inspection. But if your inspector is good and said it is not a big issue, you have to trust him. If you don't, get another termite inspector to get second opinion.

【在 l**k 的大作中提到】
: even termite professionals can't see damage in the walls?
: sure
: the

I agree with this. I used Terminix as well. The first one just kept
pushing me to buy their service after the first sight of damage instead of
looking further down.
I found a second one who speaks Chinese and he did much more work than
that and I used him eventually.

make sure what they can see. They cannot see through walls. But an
experienced termite inspector can find signs and check carefully to his
traced up, found a small open area in the covered beam, checked and found
the beam was seriously damaged by termites.He did a very good job. That
area can be easily overlooked by a general inspector who just has the
license for wood destroying insect inspection. But if your inspector is
good and said it is not a big issue, you have to trust him. If you don't,
get another termite inspector to get second opinion.

【在 b***b 的大作中提到】
: Termite companies will ask you to sign an agreement that they can only make sure what they can see. They cannot see through walls. But an experienced termite inspector can find signs and check carefully to his best.
: The case I told you in W city: The inspector found signs in an area, traced up, found a small open area in the covered beam, checked and found the beam was seriously damaged by termites.He did a very good job. That area can be easily overlooked by a general inspector who just has the license for wood destroying insect inspection. But if your inspector is good and said it is not a big issue, you have to trust him. If you don't, get another termite inspector to get second opinion.
