HR 说律师“应该” 是这周一FILE 了,(唉,估计他自己也不清楚,也不愿意把律师 的联系方式给我),我问HR要RECEIPT NUMBER,他也不回我。 如果是这周一FILE的话,什么时候能拿到RECEIPT NUMBER 呀?
2 楼
有可能的话,一定要带猫咪在身边上飞机啊。 ...... Between November of 2009 and October of 2010, 33 animals died, 11 were injured and five were lost while being transported, according to the DOT. Of those, Delta reported 12 deaths, four injuries and one loss. American Airlines reported eight animal deaths, while Continental Airlines and United Airlines each reported four and Alaska Airlines three. Hawaiian Airlines and American Eagle had one each. ......