分享:air travel with cats
分享:air travel with cats# pets - 心有所宠
Our trip was a disaster. We bought lovely harnesses for the twins and made
sure they felt safe and sound within the carriers. Once we got to the TSA
line, mom went through with a struggling Brooklyn and managed to get her
back in the carrier. I went to the line and when I was ready to take
Bridgette out, she began a mighty struggle. So I held her close and she
managed to scratch me up and force her way out of my arms in the blink of an
eye. She ran straight towards the TSA area and I was standing there
shocked, in socks, wanting to run after her. The TSA agent had me wait two
seconds before I could run through the machine and then I ran to find her.
She had managed to wedge herself under a TSA machine. How a 14lb cat fits
in that tight of a space, I will never know. At this point my arm is
bleeding, and I throw myself on the floor to figure out how to get Bridgette
out. I had to stick both arms around her, and two TSA agents had to use
their sticks to sweep her out of that space. Bridgette and I came out
filthy and nasty, but I managed to force her back into her carrier before
she ran again.
The TSA agents had to spray my arm down with disinfectant because of my
bloody mess. Before it was cleaned up, it looked like I had cut myself
severely; after the clean up, we realized it was just two deep claw marks.
I had to go to the restroom to wash my arm and bandage it before I was
allowed to walk into the terminal. To say it was an embarrassing nightmare
come true is an understatement.
I thought I would have to go straight to a vet to fix Bridgette up, but she
came out of her carrier at home like nothing happened. She sniffed around,
settled into my closet for a long nap and later acted like a total amnesiac.
Brooklyn I worried about because she hid herself under the blanket in her
carrier the whole trip and didn’t move. Since we aren’t allowed to reach
into carriers while on board, my only option was to wait until I got home
check on her. I thought the stress might have broken her fragile feelings,
which are so easily offended when I tease her at home.
My little girl pranced out as if nothing happened. She looked around, was
more curious and alert than Bridgette and we ended at night happily
watching a movie together. No drama, no limping, no angry, sullen cats.
Unbelievable and joyful ending!
Today I am in pain, and what the adrenaline masked is now sore and burning.
That being said, I am just happy to have the girls home, and I will gladly
wear my scars of a truly journeyed trip home.
Incidentally, after the whole Bridgette chase, TSA agents said I could asked
for a bag check in a private room. They NEVER said/wrote/mentioned that in
all the questions I asked prior to the trip. I told them it was never
given to me as an option, but there you have it. Please let other pet
travelers know for me. If you travel with your pets for the first time, ask
for a private room.
應該上leash,當年帶肥貓過了N道關卡,都是一邊抱住一邊抓緊leash. 不過肥貓本身
最搞笑是過檢疫時,那些staff見肥貓擠在小飛機籠裡不舒服,要抱他出來walk walk, lol


【在 z*****e 的大作中提到】
: 今天收到一个relocate的朋友的email,讲述了她在机场带着两只猫过security的历险
: 记,摘抄如下,希望对将来会有类似旅行的宠友们有所启发:
: Our trip was a disaster. We bought lovely harnesses for the twins and made
: sure they felt safe and sound within the carriers. Once we got to the TSA
: line, mom went through with a struggling Brooklyn and managed to get her
: back in the carrier. I went to the line and when I was ready to take
: Bridgette out, she began a mighty struggle. So I held her close and she
: managed to scratch me up and force her way out of my arms in the blink of an
: eye. She ran straight towards the TSA area and I was standing there
: shocked, in socks, wanting to run after her. The TSA agent had me wait two
