爱情:分手时的耳晕目眩 (转载)
爱情:分手时的耳晕目眩 (转载)# pets - 心有所宠
【 以下文字转载自 Love 讨论区 】
发信人: mitccs (无山,无水,无情! 梦徊 73!), 信区: Love
标 题: 爱情:分手时的耳晕目眩
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 30 06:17:34 2011, 美东)
Monday, 06/27/2011. The day started more or less normal …08:00 through 16:
------ SMS Text ------From: her (Co-woker Russian大妈 Birthday!, cake time)
------ SMS Text ------From: me ("Go say happy birthday to her, i bet she
will call you adorable China Doll again!")
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 08:44
Sorry for you having bad mood. Poor dbb, Bao Bao ni. I'm so happy that you
think of me over weekend. But I also hope you have a good rest and relax.
Whenever you said you were not happy, I hope to be the one to bring you
happiness using my love.
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 08:51
I know you hope to do all things I'm doing now together with me. That's my
hope too. After we are really together, we can do so many things over
weekend, hiking, kayaking, rafting, traveling... we have a bright life
waiting for us. I'm looking forward to it. :):):)
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 08:52
Poor dbb, you must haven't got enough rest. Xin teng ni ne.
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 08:54
I'm eating soon. Bread from hannam. :):):) delicius. Thank you, dbb. Who
takes care of me? YOU DO!!!!! :):):)
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 15:38
Haha, I know. I'm smart too.
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 15:48
Yes. I'm busy too. Although not as busy as you. Ye xiang ni...
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 15:52
Please do it tomorrow.
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 16:00
Hehe, jiao hua. I will beg when you come. :)
------ SMS Text ------From: her, Sent: Jun 27, 2011 16:08
Just went to guan gai. :):):) beg beg beg...
16:XX-- 铃。。。铃。。。电话, 接起来。。。她说:“我想,我们还是分手吧。。