这个猫IQ测试更靠谱# pets - 心有所宠
1) Watch your cat's ears for a couple of minutes. Do they move?
a. Almost never.
b. Sometimes, but only in reaction to sounds.
c. Constantly, even when the room is quiet and he’s resting.
2) How does your cat react when something moves in the same room?
a. Not at all, unless it’s very close or very interesting.
b. She goes to investigate—or leaves the room.
c. She tracks the movement with eyes and ears first, and then determines
whether to act on it.
3) How does your cat respond to changes in room temperature?
a. Not at all, he doesn’t seem to notice when things heat up or cool down.
b. He changes position, either by stretching out or curling up.
c. He relocates to find the best spot, and also adjusts body position.
4) What’s your cat’s response to new furniture?
a. She’ll bump into the new couch.
b. She’ll figure out where her old favorite chair is and settle in for a
c. She’ll investigate every change to decide if there’s a new, more
comfortable place to nap than her old favorite chair.
5) If you spritz a floral scent into the room (or other non-food odor), how
does your cat react?
a. Not at all.
b. By sniffing the air only.
c. By tracing the source of the smell—or leaving the room in disgust.
Self Awareness
While some reactions are automatic in pets as well as people—if you’re
frightened by something, for example, your body will react before your brain
kicks in—intelligent cats understand exactly what belongs to and relates
to them.
6) Lightly touch the inner hair of your cat’s ear with the eraser tip of a
pencil. How does she respond?
a. He flicks one or both ears.
b. He changes positions to get away from the pencil.
c. He brings a paw to the affected ear—not the unaffected ear—and gives
you a look of annoyance.
7) How does your cat react when you gently tease her tail with the pencil?
a. She flips her tail a little.
b. She moves her tail under her body so you can’t get to it.
c. She turns around and to see what you’re doing.
8) How does your cat react when he sees himself in the mirror?
a. Almost every time it’s "Who’s that strange cat?"
b. He won’t recognize himself at first, but then he’ll relax once he
realizes it's not a "strange cat."
c. He reacts only when there’s something different about his appearance;
for example, when he’s wet and looks smaller.
9) You cat falls asleep on a window ledge that’s just a little too narrow.
She falls off. What will she do next time?
a. Keep trying to sleep there and keep falling off.
b. Find a wider spot.
c. She would never make that mistake in the first place.
10) Without letting your cat notice it, place a piece of string over his
back. How does he respond?
a. Not at all.
b. He’ll notice, but won’t figure out a way to do anything about it.
c. He’ll do something to dislodge it—by rolling over or rubbing up against
Seizing the Moment
The smart cat quickly learns to see relationships in her environment, and
reacts to take advantage when things are working in her favor.
11) How does your cat react when you call his name?
a. He has no clue that he has a name.
b. He turns his ears or faces your direction.
c. He figures out the likelihood that you will be delivering food or
affection, and if so, comes when called.
12) When your cat sees something associated with an unpleasant event (such
as the nail trimmer, or the cat carrier for a trip to the vet) how does she
a. She moves away, but then quickly forgets the issue.
b. She leaves the room, but can be sweet-talked back with food.
c. She goes into deep cover—hiding on top of the hutch or under the widest
bed in the house.
13) Does your cat run to the sound of the can opener?
a. Never.
b. Always, even if it’s not meal time.
c. Only when it’s meal time.
14) If you always show your cat affection in a certain place at a certain
time of day (for example, while sitting on the couch watching TV in the
evening), does your cat recognize the pattern?
a. Not at all.
b. Yes, and he frequently shows up to take advantage of it.
c. Yes, and he frequently shows up to take advantage of it, unless someone’
s opening a can of cat food in the kitchen.
15) When petting your cat, does she guide you to the places where she likes
to be petted most?
a. Nope.
b. She only reacts if you hit a "bad spot."
c. She actively changes positions to get the most out of a petting session.
Master of the Universe
The smartest cats quickly learn that they can not only take advantage of
opportunities for food, play, affection and comfort, but also create those
16) Does your cat do anything special when it’s close to meal time?
a. Not at all.
b. He meows in the area where the food is prepared.
c. He finds you, and then pesters you until you drop everything to go feed
17) Does your cat make sounds when he wants something?
a. Maybe a little.
b. She meows louder and more frequently.
c. She varies her sounds, frequency or volume depending on the desired
18) Does your cat ever initiate play?
a. He rarely plays, and never initiates it.
b. He plays frequently, but only if you start it.
c. He often initiates play with you, or plays on his own.
19) How does your cat react when the water isn’t fresh or the bowl (heaven
forbid!) is empty?
a. She does nothing and slowly dehydrates until your guilt gets the better
of you and you fix the situation.
b. She gets your attention through body language or vocalization.
c. She turns on the tap and drinks from the faucet.
20) How does your cat try to get at something, such as a trapped piece of
food or toy?
a. He’ll try one thing, such as tapping with a paw, and then give up if it
doesn’t work.
b. He’ll continue trying, using one paw and mouth?
c. He’ll use both paws, mouth and even switch body positions.
Your Total:
Bonus points: Does your cat do any tricks or other behaviors on command?
Give your cat one point for each of these.
Less than 40 points: We do hope you’re keeping this cat somewhere very
safe, because he really isn’t smart enough to be fending for himself. Hope
he’s good-looking, or purrs a lot, because he isn’t the smartest tuna fish
in the sea.
40 to 80 points: Pretty darn bright, and with some interactive games and
other mind-expanding work your cat will likely be even more responsive and
fun to be around.
Above 80 points: Feline-stein! Your cat knows who he is and how to make
you do his bidding. Frankly, he may be smarter than you are, but that's
another test altogether.

【在 m*****O 的大作中提到】
: 小咪用这个测聪明些!
: 1) Watch your cat's ears for a couple of minutes. Do they move?
: a. Almost never.
: b. Sometimes, but only in reaction to sounds.
: c. Constantly, even when the room is quiet and he’s resting.
: 2) How does your cat react when something moves in the same room?
: a. Not at all, unless it’s very close or very interesting.
: b. She goes to investigate—or leaves the room.
: c. She tracks the movement with eyes and ears first, and then determines

四月83分!!3分是bonus point因为会come sit 和 up~~~~ lol
这道题不公平呀~~~~~ 我家那个喜欢指甲刀因为知道剪完有好吃的
我觉得四月因为是吃货丢了不少分 =(

【在 l*****h 的大作中提到】
: 哇塞,木想到我家那个疯子居然能有94分!难怪每次我一拿出指甲刀就撒丫子跑,抓都
: 抓不住


【在 N******t 的大作中提到】
: 这道题不公平呀~~~~~ 我家那个喜欢指甲刀因为知道剪完有好吃的
: 我觉得四月因为是吃货丢了不少分 =(


【在 l*****h 的大作中提到】
: 吃货好啊,给吃得就能骗她做好多事情,剪指甲洗澡神马的……我家的疯子给啥人家都
: 不肯剪指甲,有一次把她装塑料袋里然后掏个洞爪子揪出来剪,结果剪是剪完了,人家
: 也吓了一袋子shi


【在 b*****e 的大作中提到】
: 装塑料袋当然害怕,直接上就没事了

【在 l*****h 的大作中提到】
: 吃货好啊,给吃得就能骗她做好多事情,剪指甲洗澡神马的……我家的疯子给啥人家都
: 不肯剪指甲,有一次把她装塑料袋里然后掏个洞爪子揪出来剪,结果剪是剪完了,人家
: 也吓了一袋子shi

ponyo 84+1, 会一个sit! 不过那个拿橡皮碰耳朵毛的那道,没那样做过,反正用手碰
那界面真是, 看的我眼都花了。

【在 m*****O 的大作中提到】
: lmao
: 你太狠了
