狗也能用老头乐# pets - 心有所宠
1 楼
卖了一个printer, 病人收到后说不是他要的, 要退货. 我就给他发了一个fedex label
, 让他退回来. 我收到后一看, (打印机本身的)箱子都已经完全爆开了, 就向fedex
file了一个claim. 转天fedex来了个人把这个打印机拿走了说去做inspection. 过了两
天又送回来了. 今天收到一封信, 说 We inspected the shipment and found that
there was no visible damage to its contents. 我打电话去argue, 说我这个箱子都
破坏成那样, 我还怎么把它当brand new卖给我的customer? 结果被告知: we
understand your concern, and we have already returned it to your shipper,
and you can talk with him about your concern......这个shipper是谁呢? 就是我
自己! ... 神医们有什么高招让fedex赔偿一点? 包子酬谢!
, 让他退回来. 我收到后一看, (打印机本身的)箱子都已经完全爆开了, 就向fedex
file了一个claim. 转天fedex来了个人把这个打印机拿走了说去做inspection. 过了两
天又送回来了. 今天收到一封信, 说 We inspected the shipment and found that
there was no visible damage to its contents. 我打电话去argue, 说我这个箱子都
破坏成那样, 我还怎么把它当brand new卖给我的customer? 结果被告知: we
understand your concern, and we have already returned it to your shipper,
and you can talk with him about your concern......这个shipper是谁呢? 就是我
自己! ... 神医们有什么高招让fedex赔偿一点? 包子酬谢!