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Abby Ellin, For Better, for Worse, for B.M.I.; Field Notes. New York Times,
June 13, 2010.
My comment: The article mentions "a 2008 study in the Journal of Economics
and Human Biology."
(a) There is no journal with the exact title. There is, however, a journal
called "Economics and Human Biology."
(b) Thus, I believe the above statement refers to
Averett SL, Sikora A and Argys LM, For better or worse: relationshi
June 13, 2010.
My comment: The article mentions "a 2008 study in the Journal of Economics
and Human Biology."
(a) There is no journal with the exact title. There is, however, a journal
called "Economics and Human Biology."
(b) Thus, I believe the above statement refers to
Averett SL, Sikora A and Argys LM, For better or worse: relationshi