这个collar是不是太女了?# pets - 心有所宠
1 楼
我儿子10岁,于1个月前感染此病毒,症状有hives-type rash, itches, joint pain,
feet and hands swelling, muscle pain in thigh and shoulder. 现在muscle and
joint pain 让我很担心。请问哪位热心人能告之有什么好的治疗方法吗?医生说it
may take weeks or months to recover and treatment is to take Motrin when
needed, but it worries me so much that my son suffers muscle and joint pain
so much for such a long time. 不会有什么后遗症吧!
feet and hands swelling, muscle pain in thigh and shoulder. 现在muscle and
joint pain 让我很担心。请问哪位热心人能告之有什么好的治疗方法吗?医生说it
may take weeks or months to recover and treatment is to take Motrin when
needed, but it worries me so much that my son suffers muscle and joint pain
so much for such a long time. 不会有什么后遗症吧!