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发信人: rtyu (ccaarr), 信区: Investment
标 题: Obama提案对529 plan征税
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 23 11:43:54 2015, 美东)
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Push to Tax ‘529’ Plans Stokes Debate
Obama Touts Proposal as Means to Restructure Student Aid, but Critics See
Challenges for Middle Class
Updated Jan. 22, 2015 4:04 p.m. ET
President Barack Obama ’s push to start taxing college-saving accounts,
including the popular “529” accounts, would affect millions of Americans
who are stashing money for their children’s education, stirring debate
about how to structure federal student aid and how to define the middle
The proposal, which has sparked a public backlash but faces dim prospects in
Congress, targets so-called 529 savings accounts that boomed after Congress
passed the tax breaks starting in 2001. States have promoted the plans as a
way for middle-class parents to combat escalating college costs.
The president’s push, unveiled as part of a broader tax overhaul last
weekend, would strip the main federal tax benefit from the plans by taxing
any money earned from future contributions. Currently, earnings aren’t
taxed and the White House says existing funds would be shielded from the new
Administration officials say the changes are part of a move to restructure a
slew of education tax benefits that, according to the College Board,
amounted to $17.4 billion in 2012. The net effect would be to boost aid for
low- and middle-income families while removing benefits currently enjoyed by
wealthier families, the White House said.
The president’s proposal, which has critics within his own party, has
generated concern among middle-income families who say they prefer the
current system.
Elizabeth Philips, a single mother in San Diego, opened a 529 plan last year
for her two boys, ages 6 and 9. She said that without more details, she is
“I think we should be making it easier for parents to get started with 529s
and not add any more roadblocks,” said Ms. Philips, who said she earns six
figures but under $150,000 as a marketing professional at a technology
company. At time of rising college costs, she said, “the No. 1 thing people
should be doing is setting up these accounts as early as possible to
maximize the time value of money.”
To buttress its case in the context of a sharpened focus on the middle class
, the White House points out that around 70% of funds in 529 accounts and
lesser-known Coverdell plans—which would also be affected—belong to
households earning more than $200,000 a year. Thus the benefit of the tax
break skews heavily toward the highest earners.
While the president’s push to eliminate tax breaks on ‘529’ college-
saving plans isn’t likely to clear Congress, it has sparked debate over how
to structure student aid and how to define the middle class. Here, the
University of Mississippi campus in Oxford. ENLARGE
While the president’s push to eliminate tax breaks on ‘529’ college-
saving plans isn’t likely to clear Congress, it has sparked debate over how
to structure student aid and how to define the middle class. Here, the
University of Mississippi campus in Oxford. PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS
Chye-Ching Huang, senior tax policy analyst at left-leaning Center on Budget
and Policy Priorities, said the president’s plan is sound. “Overall, the
plan would scale back benefits that primarily benefit students from high-
income families and would attain college anyway without those tax subsidies,
and redirect it more towards people who actually need help for college and
more likely to react to incentives,” Ms. Huang said.
Slightly over half of all the college-saving accounts are held by Americans
making under $150,000 a year, according to a 2012 Government Accountability
Office report. About 30% earned under $100,000 a year. There are about 12
million 529 accounts in total, according to the College Savings Plan Network
, an industry group, while the average balance in a 529 account is about $21
,000—enough to cover almost two years average tuition, room and board—
minus aid—at a public four-year university.
Ryan Ellis, tax policy director for the conservative think tank Americans
for Tax Reform, said the proposal violates an Obama campaign pledge to not
raise taxes on middle-income Americans.
“This idea that this is an account for the preserve of the Huxtables out
there that make $250,000 a year is kind of ridiculous,” Mr. Ellis said.
Many owners of 529 plans are young parents who take pride in saving money in
advance for their children’s college education, he said. “You’ve made
them look like chumps for saving whatever they’ve saved so far.”
Other critics, including Capitol Hill Republicans and conservative think
tanks, said the president’s plan of “streamlining” education tax benefits
was vague and that removing the 529 tax break would ultimately hurt middle-
income families. The change, critics say, would dissuade parents from saving
and ultimately push more families to borrow for educations at a time when
student debt burdening many middle-class Americans.
“What these accounts are designed for is the middle-income families that
can’t afford to pay as you go and aren’t going to get need-based aid,”
said Betty Lochner, head of the College Savings Plan Network. “It doesn’t
make any sense to” take away the incentive to save, she said. Ultimately,
many families would have to borrow more to cover expenses without the 529
tax break, she said.
The White House said 529 plans would continue to receive “favorable” tax
treatment even with the proposed change. The accounts would still grow tax-
free, with funds being taxed only after being withdrawn. Also, the earnings
would be taxed as income to the beneficiary—the student. Officials pointed
out that in most cases students are in lower income brackets than their
parents and thus pay a lower tax rate.
The 529 provision was pitched as part of a broader tax overhaul, which faces
steep odds on Capitol Hill. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.), chairman of
the committee that oversees education policy, said the 529 provision is “
sure to go nowhere in Congress.”
But the larger restructuring, were it to pass Congress, would make the
system fairer, the White House said.
“Under the president’s plan, every dollar saved from consolidating and
curbing inefficient education tax breaks—and tens of billions more—is
ploughed right back into higher-education tax benefits for students and
middle-class families,” an Obama administration official said.
The vast majority of middle-income families who would lose the tax break for
529 earnings would benefit from an expansion of the American Opportunity
Tax Credit under the president’s plan, the official said.
Write to Josh Mitchell at [email protected]
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There are 262 comments.
OldestReader RecommendedJacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga just now
Obysmal has never built anything but he certainly is trying to wreck
Dan LaroqueDan Laroque 4 minutes ago
Here is the rub. Let me be racial for a second. The President is Black by
his definition and it is assumed he wants to help Black people. So, in
order to help Black people he wants to tax all future 529 contributions when
they are withdrawn for the education of a Black child. We are all now
clear on this, are we not?
In actuality, the President does not see Black people having 529 plans and
therefore sees this as a way to tax rich and upper middle class segments of
society. He literally has turned the 529 plan into a dangerously expensive
401k because the saver may not be able to use the money as intended.
I warned one of my children NOT to put money into a 529 because the
government cannot be trusted. It appears I was correct.
Absolutely nothing that comes out of this administration can be believed,
trusted, or counted upon to be reliable.
Most Americans will not care about the 529 plan.... because the 20 to 30 age
class owe billions on their college loans.
Beth WeingardenBeth Weingarden 4 minutes ago
why does obama hate high earners. did they do something wrong?
Michael BerkovichMichael Berkovich 4 minutes ago
Well if saving for the future is bad according to Obama's policy, then I
guess I will only work hard enough to earn what I need now and not a bit
more. Let someone else take care of me later.
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 10 minutes ago
"Chye-Ching Huang, senior tax policy analyst at left-leaning Center on
Budget and Policy Priorities, said the president’s plan is sound. “Overall
, the plan would scale back benefits that primarily benefit students from
high-income families and would attain college anyway without those tax
subsidies, and redirect it more towards people who actually need help for
college and more likely to react to incentives,” Ms. Huang said."
I'd bet t hat Ms. Huang attended a fine ivy league institution as a foreign
national on a university sponsored scholarship, just like our dear leftist
Kenyan did no doubt. It's always easier to be a liberal when you only deal
with other people's money.
Let's see. This is double taxation. You pay into these 529's with after tax
money and when you withdraw the funds for college, you would be forced to
pay taxes again. Is this as all libs cry "fair"? Only to those who gotten
screwed twice.
Obysmal and M00chelle ought to be taxed for their lavish vacations.
Anthony AlferoAnthony Alfero 12 minutes ago
I was under the impression that once elected, a president became the leader
of ALL of the American people? Of course any president will favor that which
aligns with his vision. Reagan was said to have disliked blacks (don't
agree) yet being the president of all of the people, his policies created
the greatest performance in the history of US blacks. They made their own
gains. Under Obama, it's all about what can I rob from whites to give to
blacks. How can I extort from the winners to use to buy off the "others"?
Jeffrey KellyJeffrey Kelly 4 minutes ago
@Anthony Alfero I was going to avoid the race subject however you brought
it up. Yes, there are many blacks that simply have made no effort and
wallow in race as an excuse. It is a multi generational thing that seems to
have no end. There are just as many whites however that have done little as
well and live on the free government programs.
When the Blacks realize that Sharpton and his kind are doing nothing but
living very well promoting racism, then maybe there is a chance. Then again
, there is little hope that will occur. I just wonder if King have lived
would things be better. I suspect so.
Jeffrey KellyJeffrey Kelly 12 minutes ago
Obama is an absolute joke, nothing but a thief taking from those who worked
hard to benefit those lazy slobs that have achieved nothing in life. Sure
sometimes life throws someone a bad curve ball. However many many are just
underachievers who have made little effort. It is simply unacceptable to
subsidize those who do not try. That is what he is all about.
And chumps we all are to save in the first place!
Frederick A. GreenFrederick A. Green 21 minutes ago
But let me perfectly clear, because I know you'll hear the same old claims
that rolling back these tax breaks means a massive tax increase on the
American people: if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will
not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.
--Barack Obama, 2008
If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If
you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care
plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.
--Barack Hussein Obama, July 2009
Louis MazzioLouis Mazzio 34 minutes ago
Obama = Clown
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 18 minutes ago
Lying, duplicitous clown!
David ZamosDavid Zamos 43 minutes ago
That "The Obamanation" would claim to desire to help the middle class while,
as reported in this article, simultaneously, "...push to start taxing
college-saving accounts, including the popular '529' accounts" documents
what a narcissistic liar he is. However, this support for that sad reality
is really quite superfluous and the tragic truth that he is nothing more
than an utter incompetent and a narcissistic liar who cares only about
himself has already been well documents by the acute variance between this
man's words and his deeds.
Kaitlen SuriKaitlen Suri 1 hour ago
When is the 'asset tax' coming down the pike from Robin Hood in the White
house? "We think you've saved too much so we are going to give it to
someone else who has sat on their behind and waited for their EBT credit'
Anthony AlferoAnthony Alfero 1 hour ago
I have no problem in exposing racism. Free community college benefits far
more of Obama's voting base, while 529 plans, while available to all, have
been taken advantage of by whites. For 6 years it's been, take from the
oppressor to give to the oppressed. In his twisted mind!
David ZamosDavid Zamos 38 minutes ago
@Anthony Alfero
It's good that you have no problem in exposing racism, and that's especially
true since racism is substantially responsible for "The Obamanation" being
in the White House. Indeed, in the 2012 presidential election, "The
Obamanation" received fully 93% of the black votes cast. This is even more
than the percentage of Democrats who voted for him.
FREE community college for everyone but taxing 529 payouts????
Where does that make any sense? Oh! I see.
Mike DonovanMike Donovan 1 hour ago
Another dead on arrival idea from the Benghazi Liar.
David ZamosDavid Zamos 33 minutes ago
@Mike Donovan
While it is another dead on arrival idea from "The Obamanation," it does
fortify the reality that he is nothing more than an utter incompetent and a
narcissistic who cares only about himself and whatever might capriciously
appeal to him.
Indeed, his proposing taxing 529 accounts documents just how fraudulent his
stated concerns with helping the middle class truly are.
Robert StewartRobert Stewart 2 hours ago
This should discourage many from pursuing a college degree, which is OK
since once graduated and earning 6 figures, they'd be taxed for being
successful rather than being subsidized for being aimless.
I put money in on taxed income for my children's 529.They are taxing the
money I'm taking from my IRA.Although we will not be affected by this
proposed 529 tax it's crazy.This is a tremendous incentive for all people to
save for their chidren's education.How many more days till this guy OBUMMER
is gone
David ColeDavid Cole 3 hours ago
“...you've made them look like chumps for saving whatever they've saved so
We keep thinking that somehow its our money that we earn and decide to save.
At what point do the Feds start flipping up couch cushions looking for spare
change to hand out?
David BronsteinDavid Bronstein 3 hours ago
The whole topic is a waste time. It will not happen and is DOA if it ever
reaches congress. There will be little or no agreement between Congress and
Mr. Obama. The GOP winning Congress was not to get things done but to
prevent Mr. Obama from enacting any more policies into law except through
executive order which will be reversed if a Republican wins the White House.
The only agreement between Mr. Obama and Congress will be housekeeping
issues and even that might be a stretch.
robert staabrobert staab 3 hours ago
The fool obungler wants to tax 529 savings of Americans who actually work
and save to help their children and give the money to those who do neither.
Can we survive two more years?
David ZamosDavid Zamos 29 minutes ago
@robert staab
Except that you've, perhaps inadvertently, just offended fools, I totally
agree with you.
Also, your "can-we-survive-two-more-years" of "The Obamanation" is a good
one. After all, who knows how much more damage he intends to do to this
Alan FreemondAlan Freemond 3 hours ago
The Obama administrations personal expenses charged to the voters are too
high. Ally those airplanes,and those SUV's.
It seems that these people are surrounded by regimens of secret service.
Does anyone remember when Truman took his morning walk with one agent in
We need strict control on the Obama expenditures.
Steve PendergastSteve Pendergast 4 hours ago
Fund the 'affordability gap', Warren student loan bill, and get funding to
HBCU's with an annual 5% tax on all University endowments who balance
exceeds 1bb.
Why is it that the beneficiaries of all these college funding schemes are
never asked to be part of the solution?
Are grants/scholarships added to AGI? (no, why not? hmm)
Tom ToparTom Topar 4 hours ago
Of course the racist Obama sees this as a good idea. The people he panders
to spend their money on essentials like crack, grass, and bail bondsmen.
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 16 minutes ago
They also get free ObamaPhones and SNAP cards.
John DamaJohn Dama 4 hours ago
Obama has shot himself in the foot with this proposal. It couldn't be
clearer to the public that the president is bitten with the concept of
income distribution. Not only Republicans but middle to higher income
liberals - and their parents (grandparents to the future college student) -
will recoil at the prospect of losing the benefit of saving via 529's.
Obama might as well have proposed to do likewise to Roth IRA's because both
make use of after tax contributions, and then allow tax free withdrawals. If
Obama could effectively kill the reason for 529's he could just as well
kill Roth's. Under Obama no government promise is forever or sacred.
mary hansenmary hansen 4 hours ago
Every proposal to tax one group in order to give something 'free' to another
group is Socialism, pure and simple. It is redistribution of wealth. It
is destructive to the middle class. It is evil. It is turning America into
a third-world country: a handful of uber-wealthy at the top, and the rest of
us stripped of our savings. This compels more otherwise self-reliant
people to look to the government for 'help.' The government becomes Big
Dan MartinDan Martin 4 hours ago
Does the President realize that 529 plans are funded with "after-tax"
dollars? So the rich family earning over $200,000 with three kids wishes to
put some money away for the future? Obama considers that a loophole for
the rich? Code section 529 came into law by the democrats after some court
cases involving college savings trust plans. This idiot, who has the
government spending millions on his vacations, just has no clue.
David ZamosDavid Zamos 16 minutes ago
@Dan Martin
Perhaps inadvertently, you've just offended idiots. While "The Obamanation"
is no genius, he's no idiot either. Rather, he is a cunning, ruthless
narcissistic liar who cares only about himself, and everything he does is
part of his effort to do precisely what he'd promised just days before his
inauguration: "We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United
States of America."
65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama
James DoppelheuerJames Doppelheuer 4 hours ago
Big Brutha giveth...
And Big Brutha taketh away.
We're saving for Stanford not tic toc community college.
Joseph Erbal KonradJoseph Erbal Konrad 5 hours ago
Can someone clarify if the proposal is to tax 529s already in existence,
which would constitute the government breaking its promise, or only new ones
going forwarded?
Geri KellyGeri Kelly 2 hours ago
@Joseph Erbal Konrad The article said plans in existence would not be taxed.
Only new plans.
keith kennykeith kenny 5 hours ago
Obama has a sense of humor? "... the White House says existing funds would
be shielded from the new tax." Which one? This new tax or the next one. How
about the one after that?
keith kennykeith kenny 5 hours ago
He's just trying to close the work-plan-save loophole.
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 4 hours ago
@keith kenny
No! The personal responsibility stigma.
R R HAYESR R HAYES 5 hours ago
Those who are "above" Obama's definition of the Middle Class are exactly the
ones who need to use these 529's. Because their children will not be able
to get "easy" college aid from their chosen university. Those with less
income can qualify. Anyone who opens these accounts should be applauded
because they are building a better future for their children. Proposing to
tax these is just a trial balloon for the real BIG tax: 401K withdrawals
above the "normal" tax rate of the person. I seem to remember that Miss
Nancy even proposed that when she had the BIG Gavel.
Put it up to a straight, not hidden, mid-night vote and get people on the
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 4 hours ago
Just because Obysmal probably got a free ride through college as a Kenyan
doesn't matter now.
Frank TallutoFrank Talluto 7 hours ago
Again, another static view of incomes and "class." Chances are the $100k
income are parents of the 6 to 9 year old and the $200k income are the
parents of the 17 year old getting ready to go to college. So yes, one
should expect over time the higher balances to accrue to higher income
families over time simply because their incomes will rise and their kids
will get older. Not too complex (and dare I say, not too inequitable) a
M. Ralph SchmidtM. Ralph Schmidt 8 hours ago
I, for one, am delighted. Obama is giving this nation the greatest gift he
can, and that is to be the staunchest socialist progressive he can be for
the time he has left.
He is exactly incompetent enough to act as a sort of inoculation for the U.S
. against his own party.
Pavel GatynyaPavel Gatynya 8 hours ago
it this idiot has any single brain cell left not affected by socialist virus?
Plenty of irony here: middle class parents use 529 plans in the hope of
affording something better than community college for their kids, but the
President wants to tax these plans to help finance free community college.
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 2 minutes ago
Obysmal has HIV, Human Intellectual-deficiency Viirus. It renders an
individual devoid of reason.
Alan GuggenheimAlan Guggenheim 10 hours ago
Oh, that's just great -- it took me a year to explain the advantages of the
529 and persuade my granddaughters' parents to open accounts for them!
Michael IrgangMichael Irgang 10 hours ago
It is remarkable how the Obama administration hates the upper middle class
with so much passion!
Jacob MaczugaJacob Maczuga 1 minute ago
That's because they're "typical white people".
The proposal is classic for this WH. It is intended to increase federal tax
revenue, punish anyone attempting to maintain control of the financing of
advanced education for their children, and transfer wealth to people who
have made poor lifestyle choices, increasing dependency on government and
destroying programs proposed by previous administrations to aid middle class
It is always interesting to note the way in which the upper income boundary
for "middle class" is moving toward the "poverty" income upper boundary.
Thus, for a family of four, the upper limit for ACA subsidies is an income
of about $90 k. Since the administration now says most 529's belong to "
wealthier families", and since over 50% of plans belong to families with
incomes below $150k, the "wealthier family" lower income boundary must be
below that level. The group of citizens which Mr. Obana deems worthy of
punishment seems to be expanding.
Anita MacDougallAnita MacDougall 11 hours ago
More dis-incentive to save and be self-reliant
Just spend and depend on government aid when the time comes
Carol SandorCarol Sandor 11 hours ago
Now we know why Obama pulled the stunt of pushing federal funding for
community college. He was set to take more taxes from middle class voters
who were saving for their OWN CHILDRENS' college education. Since they didn
't "build that" why not take it away and redistribute the money to someone
else's kids. In his world there is no personal incentive, only "to each
according to his need". Better have everyone equally unhappy that some
doing better than others.
Scott MoffattScott Moffatt 11 hours ago
The Federal Government currently needs money, now, and it doesn't make money
unless gains are realized. Therefore, long-term investments do not
benefit the Government in the short-term as much as short-term investments.
Hence, the current Administration doesn't want to encourage saving for the
By extension, The "Liberal" policy needs funding to realize short-term
revenue, and that requires the movement of money in the short-term.
That's why they're trying to equalize the taxation of gains from Long-Term
investment with the taxation of gains from Short-Term investment. ...to
remove the benefits of investing for the long-term.
...but you're too stupid to understand that, so just trust us...
David MitchellDavid Mitchell 11 hours ago
Talk about the law of unintended consequences......It's trial balloons like
this that have prevented me from opening up a Roth. All I have is the
government's word that money from a Roth won't be taxed again in the future.
I'll never, ever open a Roth. So what happens? I save less money today
which means fewer funds for investment today which means a smaller capital
stock tomorrow and smaller future economic growth. Thanks again Barry!
Oh....and don't think I have forgotten the trial balloon you floated several
years ago about nationalizing the 401k market either.
Marcus CashMarcus Cash 11 hours ago
We should tax the President's salary at 100%. Come to think of it, do the
same with Congress. That would help get the gold-diggers out of Washington.
Pavel GatynyaPavel Gatynya 8 hours ago
@Marcus Cash 110%, get all the money from him, his kids and all relatives,
James MerlottiJames Merlotti 11 hours ago
This proposal was an insult to America's young future.....
Just going there is a bizarre political move...especially when the pres
himself has $300K stashed away in his kids 529s....how convenient...
He ruined Illinois and is doing his best to ruin the US...
jerome ogdenjerome ogden 11 hours ago
Countless videos in two election show Obama promising “no new taxes on the
middle class.” Yet now we have all the hidden middle class taxes in the ACA
. And we also have this brazen attempt to betray the middle class again in
Obama’s 529 tax grab.
Plato came up with the concept of the Noble Lie as a way for the elites to
keep themselves in power and the peasants subjugated to the interests of the
State. Clearly Obama has raised the Noble Lie to new heights of mendacity
and hypocrisy. From now on it should be called, not the Platonic, but the “
Obamic concept of the Noble Lie.”
John MeehanJohn Meehan 12 hours ago
Its interesting to see this, having just started cashing in a 529 to pay for
my oldest kid's first year of college. Here's what my wife and I noticed:
1. Our 529's did not return as well as an index fund.
2. We make too much to qualify for any grants or tuition reduction for our
kid, so we pay the full rate. Funny! We dont feel rich.
3. Tuition is rising faster than our paychecks, yet our kid's colllege has a
foundation with over $1Billion in assests, a corpoate jet, a shopping
center, rental properties, a hotel, and other income producing assets, yet
the school doesnt issue a rebate to the tuition paying folks.
4. The college advisors keep pushing my smart kid ro go on a five year
program and spread out the classes. Hmmm .
So, if the Pres wants to tax the 529's, they will evaporate overnight, and
people will start questioning more and more the vslue of a college education
. The education mafia will then have to push even harder for free tuition (
paid by the taxpayers, of course) to keep this gravy train going, because
soon student loans will be tapped out and there wont be much left to fund a
college education with if one isnt in a low tax bracket with grant money
judy smithjudy smith 11 hours ago
@John Meehan You nailed the scenario! Especially the part where people stop
putting $ into the 529s, and the whole scheme dries up like manure on a hot
rock. Govt types conveniently overlook "unintended consequences."
George DyerGeorge Dyer 11 hours ago
@John Meehan Good comment...but you forgot #5: Thanks to Obama's rotten
economy, over regulation and high taxes, almost half of college graduates
won't find a job which requires their degree.
(At least there's work at fast food joints, until Michelle Obama's food
police shuts them down.)
Scott HorsburghScott Horsburgh 12 hours ago
Maybe we've passed the tipping point. Recent polls show 46% approval for
this clown even though every one of his proposals calls for more dependence
on government benevolence and punishment of success and individual
initiative. The Yellow Brick Road has become the Road to Serfd
忍不住问。zhubaba zhumama有关系吗?风格很不一致的说。

【在 W********1 的大作中提到】
: 马?还是狗?

【在 d****g 的大作中提到】
: 忍不住问。zhubaba zhumama有关系吗?风格很不一致的说。

★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.56

【在 l******8 的大作中提到】
: 照片.

【在 m****o 的大作中提到】
: 太美了!!!第一张还有狗狗!!!

【在 l******8 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得那狗一定自认很幸福.

【在 d********a 的大作中提到】
: 马的质量不行。狗还不错。

【在 l******8 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得那狗一定自认很幸福.

【在 l******8 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得蒙古牧羊犬也很漂亮.
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