傻瓜一群:Citi的targeted offer可以破18个月限制,更可以破8/65的限制。match个 屁啊,立马再申一张! 注意: 1.批准以后寄来的信里面如果没拿到这个offer,概不负责啊。 2.FT: 16. I got a targeted offer. What can I do? Targeted offers only allow you to bump/upgrade a recent application if it is for an identical card. Targeted offers appear to allow you to circumvent some or all of the core application rules, (1 week, 60 days, 90 days) and maybe the existing cardmember rule (18 months). However, they will initiate these rules, so it may be possible to apply for a Citi AA Platinum MC Personal card and then a targeted Citi AA Gold MC Personal card the next day. However, applying for the targeted Citi AA Gold MC Personal card would prevent any application within the next week (8 days) or any AA Gold MC personal card for 18 months. See Post 53 for an example of a targeted offer circumventing the 12-26 month rule. 这个事情的背景是当时Citi AA系列所有卡都算同一个产品,所以说先申Plat,再Gold ,gold破了不能churn的rule。但是现在不同卡算不同产品了,所以也许可以破18个月 的限制。 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负 风险自负