1. 全无经验的,适合上来就养puppy吗?crate training啥的,会不会一直搞不定?
-- Crate training etc will be fine, as long as you are willing to put effort
and be patient. Some puppies take longer and some takes shorter. Also, it
will take longer if nobody is at home during the daytime. But eventually it
will be fine.
2. 要是领一只已经训练好的成年狗,他会不会只怀念之前的主人所以不理我们?
-- No. Some dogs may warm up slower than other and some may have fear issue
if they were abused before, but they will definitely become affectionate and
attached to you if you treat them well. That's in their blood.
An easy solution is to just pick up a dog that shows his excitement and love
of you when you first meet (shelters are full of those), just be prepared
that most likely he will love everyone (not just you :))
3. energy level。估计每天清早起床后能溜30分钟,傍晚晚饭后30-60分钟,这种
routine对于多数狗的需求是不是够?我听说border collie就不成,一天溜三次都不够
-- I think this should be fine for most dogs, maybe not for some extremely
high energy breeds like BC or JRT. Of course it woule be better if you can
make the evening 30-60 minutes running instead of walking. You can also play
some games with him at home or yard, like throw balls or tug-a-war.
4. 家有10岁男孩儿,要避免什么breed? 目前只知道yorkie不喜欢家里有小孩儿和其它
-- This really depend on individual dogs, not stereotyped by breed (even
though percentage may vary between breeds statistically). If you raise from
a puppy, he will definitely be fine, with both kids and cats and whatever.
For young or adult dogs, most are fine but no guarantee. However, for most
cases where dog don’t like kids, it’s the toddlers that they don’t like.
10-yr old should be fine. You can take your kid to the shelter to easily
find out whether the dog is good with him.