Sweet Kitty Cat (48105)# pets - 心有所宠
Hello My Friend,
If you are aware of anybody is interested in adopting a cat, could you
please let her/him know that we have a cat available?
We adopted this cat from an animal shelter about 7 years ago. We chose her
because we knew she is black and is old (about 14 years old by now), and she
is less likely to be adopted by others.
My 18 months son has been having sever eczema. After seeing different
doctors, he was recently diagnosed that he is very allergic to cat. So we
have to look for a new home for the cat.
We did not want to return her to the animal shelter worrying about that she
might be killed due to the capacity. We hope to find someone to carry the
love with her until the very end of her life. We have the cat tree and
plenty of cat toys, cat food, and other cat supplies to come with her.
We have a good record of her physical check up and immunization history.
Please feel free to pass this along if you know anybody might be interested.
Many Thanks!
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