Here is it:
My slides haven't been developed yet.
It seems that you were there just 2-3 days before me. Which canyon did you
visit, upper or lower?
I only went to the lower one.
The upper one's tour guide came back once an hour, so we
decided to visit the lower one. They said that the wall in
the upper one is higher and winter sunlight is not high
enough to show dramatic effects.
After we visit the lower one, it was 1pm and miss the best
time. We guess maybe upper one will be similar so skip it.
Something funny there is that using P&S DC with flash, we
got more dramatic pic than w/o flash. So I did the same to
film camera and found velvia w

【在 s****y 的大作中提到】
: Here is it:
: My slides haven't been developed yet.
: dreamland:
: It seems that you were there just 2-3 days before me. Which canyon did you
: visit, upper or lower?

I visited lower one too. It was a surreal experience. I talked to the friendly
Indian at the entrance. He said the upper has narrower opening but is wider on
the bottom, so in winter it is very dark. I heard ppl easily uses 10-30 secs
to take a photo.
I really wish I had a DSLR camera at that moment since the metering was very
I have to use spot metering to check several spots for one picture. Hopefully
it will turn out to be OK.
I met a professional that used a view camera on the bot

【在 d*******d 的大作中提到】
: I only went to the lower one.
: The upper one's tour guide came back once an hour, so we
: decided to visit the lower one. They said that the wall in
: the upper one is higher and winter sunlight is not high
: enough to show dramatic effects.
: After we visit the lower one, it was 1pm and miss the best
: time. We guess maybe upper one will be similar so skip it.
: Something funny there is that using P&S DC with flash, we
: got more dramatic pic than w/o flash. So I did the same to
: film camera and found velvia w

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