哈哈,欢迎来到万佛! :)

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: 本版这么多年一直在讨论这个事

【在 f****e 的大作中提到】
: Canon乳摸还有的说是今年十月份呢,估计比较悬。

【在 t*******8 的大作中提到】
: 尼康不出d800,佳能也不会出5D3

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: sony不出A99,Nikon也出不了D800.所以归根结低还是sony
,先出5D3,彻底把entry level全幅市场抢占。
5D MK III in October?

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p.1 #1 · 5D MK III in October? Rate:
1 2 3 4 5
According to Canon Rumors the new 5D will be available in October. He said
he always expected the new 5D to launch prior to the new 1D. Pretty exciting
Edited on Aug 25, 2011 at 08:18 AM · View previous versions
Aug 24, 2011 at 09:23 AM

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p.1 #2 · 5D MK III in October?
Or November....oh maybe next year
Aug 24, 2011 at 09:23 AM

M Vers
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p.1 #3 · 5D MK III in October?
ohnos...not again.
Lets be serious here for just a second. Canon Rumors is just that...rumors.
People need to start differentiating that word from 'facts'.
Aug 24, 2011 at 09:27 AM

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p.1 #4 · 5D MK III in October?
M Vers wrote:
ohnos...not again.
Lets be serious here for just a second. Canon Rumors is just that...rumors.
People need to start differentiating that word from 'facts'.
Haha I just said the same on another board
Aug 24, 2011 at 10:50 AM

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p.1 #5 · 5D MK III in October?
why would canon bother to release 5dIII when the d700 replacement is not
even announced let alone out. 5d2 is selling well.
Buckle down boys, we're in for a long long long dry season.
Aug 24, 2011 at 10:57 AM

M Vers
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p.1 #6 · 5D MK III in October?
Ghost wrote:
why would canon bother to release 5dIII when the d700 replacement is not
even announced let alone out. 5d2 is selling well.
Buckle down boys, we're in for a long long long dry season.
Offense? There is nothing saying Canon will let Nikon make the first move,
and it might be in Canon's best interest to strike first this go around.
Either way I wouldn't count Canon announcing/releasing the MKIII out before
the years end.
Aug 24, 2011 at 11:50 AM

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p.1 #7 · 5D MK III in October?
I wish CR would do what appleinsider does. Rate the validity of the source
on past proformance with each post. Cause CR generally isn't right on timing
, ever, ever, ever.
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:02 PM

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p.1 #8 · 5D MK III in October?
When the 5DIII comes, it comes. I think it would be best for Canon to get it
out before Nikon, especially when the Olympics are coming up next year.
That combined with the new L lenses would be a good marketing move.
I'm in no rush - I can wait. Then I can give my wife my 450D to play with.
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:05 PM

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p.1 #9 · 5D MK III in October?
Ghost wrote:
why would canon bother to release 5dIII when the d700 replacement is not
even announced let alone out. 5d2 is selling well.
Buckle down boys, we're in for a long long long dry season.
So Canon now only makes announcements in reaction to Nikon. What cave have
you been living in, get some common sense.
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:12 PM

M Vers
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p.1 #10 · 5D MK III in October?
patrickphoto wrote:
I wish CR would do what appleinsider does. Rate the validity of the source
on past proformance with each post. Cause CR generally isn't right on timing
, ever, ever, ever.
...They do.
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:13 PM

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p.1 #11 · 5D MK III in October?
patrickphoto wrote:
I wish CR would do what appleinsider does. Rate the validity of the source
on past proformance with each post. Cause CR generally isn't right on timing
, ever, ever, ever.
They do right? This rumor is ranked CR2
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:22 PM

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p.1 #12 · 5D MK III in October?
Please do not quote canonrumors as a "source". It has as much creditability
as a sheet of toilet paper (sorry for the disrespect to toilet papers).
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:37 PM

Lars Johnsson
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p.1 #13 · 5D MK III in October?
According to Canon Rumors the new 5D and the new 1Ds have been coming out
every month this year
Aug 24, 2011 at 01:02 PM

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p.1 #14 · 5D MK III in October?
davenfl wrote:
Ghost wrote:
why would canon bother to release 5dIII when the d700 replacement is not
even announced let alone out. 5d2 is selling well.
Buckle down boys, we're in for a long long long dry season.
So Canon now only makes announcements in reaction to Nikon. What cave have
you been living in, get some common sense.
The cave next to yours. Don't remember our conversation about needing high
ISO for interior photography?!
In these economic times, every mfg would want to maximize their tooling cost
. As long as there's no threat to their product line-up, there really isn't
much compelling reason to come up with a 5d3 so soon. After all it took
Nikon and Sony to come up with their FF cameras before 5d2 was finally
brought out. Could be lifecycle timing, could be timely reaction...
Aug 24, 2011 at 01:05 PM

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p.1 #15 · 5D MK III in October?
Lars Johnsson wrote:
According to Canon Rumors the new 5D and the new 1Ds have been coming out
every month this year
yeah but they were all CR0 or CR1 at best
this one at least has some reasonable chance
Aug 24, 2011 at 01:06 PM

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p.1 #16 · 5D MK III in October?
Lars Johnsson wrote:
According to Canon Rumors the new 5D and the new 1Ds have been coming out
every month this year
and last year too.
a bag of [email protected] - that's what canon rumors is...
Aug 24, 2011 at 01:07 PM

M Vers
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p.1 #17 · 5D MK III in October?
If you visit CR and read something labeled CR0-2 and honestly expect that
rumor to pan out you are the joke, not CR.
Aug 24, 2011 at 01:11 PM

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p.1 #18 · 5D MK III in October?
Ghost wrote:
davenfl wrote:
Ghost wrote:
why would canon bother to release 5dIII when the d700 replacement is not
even announced let alone out. 5d2 is selling well.
Buckle down boys, we're in for a long long long dry season.
So Canon now only makes announcements in reaction to Nikon. What cave have
you been living in, get some common sense.
The cave next to yours. Don't remember our conversation about needing high
ISO for interior photography?!
In these economic times, every mfg would want to maximize their tooling cost
. As long as there's no threat to their product line-up, there really isn't
much compelling reason to come up with a 5d3 so soon. After all it took
Nikon and Sony to come up with their FF cameras before 5d2 was finally
brought out. Could be lifecycle timing, could be timely reaction...
You would be far better off talking about things you understand, this isn't
one of them.
Aug 24, 2011 at 01:13 PM

Dedicated FM
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p.1 #19 · 5D MK III in October?
M Vers wrote:
If you visit CR and read something labeled CR0-2 and honestly expect that
rumor to pan out you are the joke, not CR.
tons of CR2 stuff has panned out, I don't know the statistics, but I'd bet
75% of it at least
CR0 and CR1 are often useless unless you are good at reading things, in the
past I picked some good stuff out of CR1, that said, I have not been able to
pick anything out of CR1 for many, many months now it does seem to be
mostly junk these days
Aug 24, 2011 at 03:55 PM

Lars Johnsson
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p.1 #20 · 5D MK III in October?
skibum5 wrote:
M Vers wrote:
If you visit CR and read something labeled CR0-2 and honestly expect that
rumor to pan out you are the joke, not CR.
tons of CR2 stuff has panned out, I don't know the statistics, but I'd bet
75% of it at least
CR0 and CR1 are often useless unless you are good at reading things, in the
past I picked some good stuff out of CR1, that said, I have not been able to
pick anything out of CR1 for many, many months now it does seem to be
mostly junk these days
You are joking I hope
Both in the beliving of the CR 0 1 and 2 stuff. And also in the at least 75%
has panned out
Aug 24, 2011 at 04:47 PM

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p.1 #21 · 5D MK III in October?
Canon rumors has changed their rating system.
They now have 2 ratings
CR-AP for Canon Rumor "Announcement Possibility"
CR-UD for Canon Rumor "Unintelligent Dispersion"
We usually get CRAP, followed by meaningless CRUD from CR. Make of it what
you will, but don't bet the farm on it..
I had to correct my own "ignorant dispersion".
Edited on Aug 25, 2011 at 05:44 AM · View previous versions
Aug 24, 2011 at 05:00 PM

Pixel Perfect
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p.1 #22 · 5D MK III in October?
ohsnaphappy wrote:
According to Canon Rumors the new 5D will be available in October. He said
he always expected the new 5D to launch prior to the new 1D. Pretty exciting!
Tell you what, the president of Canon Inc, Fujio Mitarai will be visiting my
company in a few weeks and I'll ask him about 5D III and 1Ds IV.
Now at that point I'll be wisked off by security and will be never heard
from again.
Aug 24, 2011 at 06:05 PM

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p.1 #23 · 5D MK III in October?
snowboarder wrote:
Lars Johnsson wrote:
According to Canon Rumors the new 5D and the new 1Ds have been coming out
every month this year
and last year too.
a bag of [email protected] - that's what canon rumors is...
Agree on this, opened this site one time and never come back.
Aug 24, 2011 at 06:36 PM

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p.1 #24 · 5D MK III in October?
CR could up their game significantly if they just waited for DPR to post a
release, and then they could parrot it and pretend they knew all along.
I've seen nothing come from that site that ever panned out (except the stuff
that was already released that is..).
Aug 24, 2011 at 07:06 PM

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p.1 #25 · 5D MK III in October?
considering Canon Rumors posted on FB that - "You're all going to be happy
in October. ♥" .....I would consider they know more than they are
revealing. In the past they have not led into things this much unless
something is definitely in the works.
Could be wrong, but since 5d2's have dropped in price, stock is lowering
significantly ( call B&H and Adorama and ask them how many 5d2s they
currently have in stock ) and you will see that this is probably more than
just a rumor at this point in time.
Besides guys - do you think Canon - even if they waited for Nikon's D700
follow up to be announce would make any impact on what the 5d3 will be? You
forget that they have R&D teams working on test models months and months
before they even go into production phase, which they do months and months
before they ever release notice to the general public of a new model. They
couldn't possibly "react" to what Nikon releases in a plausible and
economical time frame given the amount of time it takes before a camera is
announced to the general public. If Canon lived in the reactive state to
what Nikon's next move was going to be, they would be years behind

【在 t*******8 的大作中提到】
: 尼康不出d800,佳能也不会出5D3

【在 f****e 的大作中提到】
: 也不一定,网上有人讨论没准大炮想把泥坑打翻在地,再踏上一只脚呢,趁着D800难产
: ,先出5D3,彻底把entry level全幅市场抢占。
: 下面是FM上面的讨论:
: 5D MK III in October?
: ohsnaphappy
: Offline
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: Registered: Jun 29, 2011
: Total Posts: 116


【在 T*****n 的大作中提到】
: 近期无敌兔降价明显啊
: 是不是这个原因?

considering Canon Rumors posted on FB that - "You're all going to be happy
in October. ♥" .....I would consider they know more than they are
revealing. In the past they have not led into things this much unless
something is definitely in the works.
Could be wrong, but since 5d2's have dropped in price, stock is lowering
significantly ( call B&H and Adorama and ask them how many 5d2s they
currently have in stock ) and you will see that this is probably more than
just a rumor at this point in time.
"2011 DSLR?
Most information I am receiving now seems to suggest there will be no DSLR
announcement in 2011. There are definitely a lot of prototype bodies out
there, we just won’t be hearing about them until 2012."

【在 j***f 的大作中提到】
: considering Canon Rumors posted on FB that - "You're all going to be happy
: in October. ♥" .....I would consider they know more than they are
: revealing. In the past they have not led into things this much unless
: something is definitely in the works.
: Could be wrong, but since 5d2's have dropped in price, stock is lowering
: significantly ( call B&H and Adorama and ask them how many 5d2s they
: currently have in stock ) and you will see that this is probably more than
: just a rumor at this point in time.


【在 f****e 的大作中提到】
: 这是乳摸的reasoning之一,清货,准备为下一代让路。但也许是最近不会出5D3,只好
: 通过无敌兔降价来维持竞争力。


ip5 10月肯定出了 呵呵~

【在 h*****3 的大作中提到】
: 10月份还出ip5呢,8月说9月,9月说10月,10月说11月,等着吧