选多个对焦点,是不是只在Al Servo用得到?# PhotoGear - 摄影器材l*y2012-01-09 08:011 楼看到条款里:Not valid on gift card reloads and prepaid cards. walmart家的GC算prepaid cards吗?谢谢!
s*u2012-01-09 08:012 楼I do not know whether the market is bottoming out today. But I will startto buy.
g*g2012-01-09 08:014 楼可以买,没问题order了两单$80 的实体GCAMEX全给返钱了GC【在 l******y 的大作中提到】: 看到条款里:Not valid on gift card reloads and prepaid cards. walmart家的GC: 算prepaid cards吗?谢谢!
b*e2012-01-09 08:015 楼the thing here is do you see some fear here?【在 s********u 的大作中提到】: I do not know whether the market is bottoming out today. But I will start: to buy.:
c*y2012-01-09 08:016 楼ai servo有时候也是单点的。背景简单点,可以适当依赖机器本身自动切换对焦点,背景复杂的时候还是要靠人去pan,所以一个好的gimbal或液压台更有用【在 h******1 的大作中提到】: 非中心对焦点在摆拍是还是很有用,但一到抓拍时俺就有些手忙脚乱. 拍体育题材,Al: Servo 的准确率大大超过俺手动选对焦点.: 需要说明一下,俺用佳能.
r*n2012-01-09 08:018 楼关键是现在没多少人fearful啊,倒是不少人很greedy【在 s********u 的大作中提到】: I do not know whether the market is bottoming out today. But I will start: to buy.:
h*12012-01-09 08:019 楼贪大说得是.有时候焦点就对到别的物体上了.本来是给人家小孩的照片,结果孩子妈妈更清楚.【在 c********y 的大作中提到】: ai servo有时候也是单点的。: 背景简单点,可以适当依赖机器本身自动切换对焦点,背景复杂的时候还是要靠人去: pan,所以一个好的gimbal或液压台更有用