5D3: 完美无瑕!# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
In conclusion I have to say that Canon have addressed every issue that we
had with the 5D Mark II and built a stunningly good camera. The more you
handle it, the more you realise that there has been a lot of input from
professional photographers into this camera, and if you are a
photojournalist or anyone that shoots in that style, this is the perfect
camera for you. Obviously it isn’t a speed demon like the 1DX and you have
to watch the buffer when shooting dual cards with high ISO in high speed
drive mode, but that is to be expected. The camera produces staggeringly
good files at all ISO speeds, it focuses quickly and accurately, it is built
like a small tank and is as quiet as a church mouse with a Leica if you
want it to be. What else do you need from a camera?
So are there any negatives to owning this camera? Maybe just one. You will
lose the ability to blame the camera for any shortcomings in your own
photographic ability. The camera is what every Canon user has been waiting
for and then some.
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