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I read through it and am so scared. Those little precious lives are so
fragile, and we are so helpless in front of the big system machine. It
reminds me of the stories of the people charged with Shaken Baby Syndrom I
read a couple of weeks ago. How can I dare to babysit sb else's child from
now on after reading all these...
【在 az 的大作中提到】
: http://www.npr.org/2011/06/28/137454415/the-child-cases-guilty-
fragile, and we are so helpless in front of the big system machine. It
reminds me of the stories of the people charged with Shaken Baby Syndrom I
read a couple of weeks ago. How can I dare to babysit sb else's child from
now on after reading all these...
【在 az 的大作中提到】
: http://www.npr.org/2011/06/28/137454415/the-child-cases-guilty-
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D90是配 AF NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8D Lens还是AF NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8D Lens好呢?apple产品的保修都是tranferable的吧?wewii没发包子?这个filter pouch有啥好的黑暗中的光辉->Jaw-dropping Test.CPL:问一个使用频率的问题给推荐个画质好的小巧相机如何?【参加活动】全家福之Leica Parade【通知】明天(周日)LA摸机会活动啦Canon PowerShot SX210IS 如何?老友们看看,07年在版上下的PDF书,密码找不到了买望远镜,送单反Nikon D90怎么样?富二请进Lumix GF1 price该不该把这个55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS卖了?现在我期待佳能的两个镜头J&R应该不是黑点把这个 XXBIS 还凑合?[求购]canon pixma pro9000 mkII $188/184/$182+ML