f2.0 zoom lens sounds fast? No thank you. You get diffraction as early as f/
APS版的24m芯片一样的diffraction阿. 你要不也批判一下Nikon D5200和所有将要换装
Because of that 2x crop factor you get DOF similar to high-end P&S. You
shoot the picture at f/2.8 and it looks like a picture from a FF body at f/5
.0. Great for macro but terrible for everything else.
m43的sensor面积是high-end P&S的5倍多, DOF相似, FF的面积是m43的4倍, DOF区别很
大. 恩. 非常公平, 非常的不bias.
Because of the tiny sensor, noise is always one stop or two stops worse than
the current crop factor consumer DSLRs, not mentioning prosumer FF ones.
见附图, 这一张图至少顶你10句话吧
All of a sudden it doesn't look so great eh? That's not the end yet. You
could easily spend $4000 dollars on useless "pro quality" lenses while you
can build a cheaper, lighter, though less "pro" look system for much less
with other manufacturers.
And you should realize that once you have a system with Olympus, you're
stuck there for ever. You cannot sell it easily to your DSLR-wanna-be
colleagues, since most of them would ended with Canon or Nikon. And you
would always be on the waiting list of third party lens manufacturers. 2012
for Canon? No, mid 2014 for Olympus.
恩. m43, 神医慎入. 再说了, 现在APS的单反死路一条了, 买APS镜头才是stuck
there for ever. 而且镜头数量一向是m43在革命机里的强项.
Olympus used to boast their DSLRs and E-PEN system for their compactness.
But with all manufacturers join the mirrorless party last year or this year,
not any more.
NC两大家都出手了吧, 看来你看好nikon 1或者canon M了?