超好,超经历Giant Manta Ray 游泳 (转载)
超好,超经历Giant Manta Ray 游泳 (转载)# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: zhang88 (david), 信区: Living
标 题: 超好,超经历Giant Manta Ray 游泳
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 20 23:03:29 2014, 美东)
Experience Of A Lifetime: Amazing Giant Mantas Glide & Somersault Within
This was an incredible encounter with the Kona Manta Rays at the Keahole Bay
(near the Kona Airport), on the Big Island of Hawaii, one of the very few
locations you can swim with manta rays. The Kona Coast is the best place
to spot manta rays in Hawaii, and the manta ray night swimming is unlike
anything you will find on any other island. At night, spotlights are used to
attract plankton which in turn attracts the mantas that feed off the
plankton. Our tour took off an hour or so before sunset from Honokohau
Harbor just north of Kailua-Kona. As night fell, with the help of these
lights and attracted by the plankton in the water, we were treated to an
amazing show as giant mantas glide and somersault in mesmerizing patterns.
The mantas swam within inches of us, always managing to avoid contact at the
last second. Getting this close to these ethereal mantas is truly an
unforgettable experience.
Much like a fingerprint is unique to each human, manta rays have
distinguishing black and white markings on their underside that are used to
identify them. These gentle giants can grow up to 20 feet in length and
weigh up to 3000 pound; their giant mouths are very intimidating, but these
extraordinary sea creatures have no teeth and no tail stingers, making this
the safest large animal encounter in the world.
This video is shot from a Gopro Hero3+ in the highest 4K setting.