FY2015 sony over 20 FE lens# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
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Sony launched a revised plan for 2015-2018. And in very short Sony will cut
the TV and smartphone lineup and make only profitable high end stuff. At the
same time Sony sees growth in Playstation and Image Sensor Business. They
also published their plan for the Digital Camera business. You can donwload
it as pdf here: sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/info/irday2014electronics/IPandS_E.pdf.
Sony launched a revised plan for 2015-2018. And in very short Sony will cut
the TV and smartphone lineup and make only profitable high end stuff. At the
same time Sony sees growth in Playstation and Image Sensor Business. They
also published their plan for the Digital Camera business. You can donwload
it as pdf here: sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/info/irday2014electronics/IPandS_E.pdf.