EOS 6D Mark II To Shrink & Move Upmarket [CR2]
EOS 6D Mark II To Shrink & Move Upmarket [CR2]# PhotoGear - 摄影器材
Read more:
"We’re told the EOS 6D Mark II, which isn’t expected until early 2016 at
the earliest, will move upmarket “slightly” in features and pricing.
We’re told again that a big goal with the camera is a smaller size and
lighter weight, without sacrificing build quality. The camera will have its
own full frame sensor, just like the current camera, along with the addition
of NFC. Canon is also working on a “new connectivity feature” that may
appear first in the EOS 6D Mark II, but it still in its infancy.
There “won’t be anything groundbreaking” in the EOS 6D Mark II, but the
goal is to make it a good evolutionary upgrade. Expect bigger things from
the EOS 5D Mark IV and EOS-1D X Mark II.
It’s far too early to expect any sort of specifications leak, as we’re
nowhere near that being finalized.
Read more:"
意思是说6D II没有什么有用的新feature?对焦什么的没说。


【在 y*b 的大作中提到】
: Read more:
: "We’re told the EOS 6D Mark II, which isn’t expected until early 2016 at
: the earliest, will move upmarket “slightly” in features and pricing.
: We’re told again that a big goal with the camera is a smaller size and
: lighter weight, without sacrificing build quality. The camera will have its
: own full frame sensor, just like the current camera, along with the addition
: of NFC. Canon is also working on a “new connectivity feature” that may
: appear first in the EOS 6D Mark II, but it still in its infancy.
: There “won’t be anything groundbreaking” in the EOS 6D Mark II, but the
: goal is to make it a good evolutionary upgrade. Expect bigger things from

用70D的或者自黑搬老5D3的, 算是升级不过没有ground braking

【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 意思是说6D II没有什么有用的新feature?对焦什么的没说。
: its
: addition

from CW, new AF
"New bits about the Canon EOS 6D Mark II surfaced on the web. Again the EOS
6D Mark II is said to “move upmarket”, though this time only “slightly”.
I do not believe the EOS 6D Mark II will move upmarket. It will remain
Canon’s entry-level full-frame DSLR. It may be that the EOS 6D Mark II will
have a higher price tag than the EOS 6D had when it was introduced, but
that doesn’t mean moving upmarket. The rumor also says the EOS 6D Mark II
will be an evolutionary update of the EOS 6D, which, in my opinion,
contrasts with the “move upmarket”. Just my two cents.
The rumor also suggests the EOS 6D Mark II will be smaller in size and of
lighter weight. The EOS 6D Mark II will not feature the same sensor as
another Canon FF DSLR, just like the EOS 6D. NFC should also be on board
along with a not specified “new connectivity feature”. The announcement of
the EOS 6D Mark II is expected beginning of 2016.
Time ago we got a supposed EOS 6D Mark II specification list (which you
should take with a huge grain of salt):
6 fps
ISO 100 – 102400 (expandable to 204800)
new AF system (but not the same as on 5DS)
98% viewfinder coverage
Single SD card slot
WiFi, NFC, and GPS
small improvements for video features"

【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 意思是说6D II没有什么有用的新feature?对焦什么的没说。
: its
: addition
