A software subsystem of an air-traffic control system is defined to manage a
queue of aircraft (AC) in an airport. The aircraft queue is managed by a
process which responds to three types of requests:
system boot used to start the system.
enqueue aircraft used to insert a new AC into the system.
dequeue aircraft used to remove an AC from the system.
AC’s have at least (but are not limited to having) the following properties:
AC type: Passenger or Cargo
AC size: Small or Large
The process which manages the queue of AC’s satisfies the following:
There is no limit on the number of AC’s it can manage
Dequeue aircraft requests result in selection of one AC for removal such
Passenger AC’s have removal precedence over Cargo AC’s
Large AC’s of a given type have removal precedence over Small AC’s of the
same type.
Earlier enqueued AC’s of a given type and size have precedence over later
enqueued AC’s of the same type and size.