这版快成动物园了# Programming - 葵花宝典
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妈妈下周一心脏造影手术,有可能当场就做支架。我想知道Bare Metel Stent(普通金
)和 Drug Coated Stent (药物涂层支架)各有什么好坏。
概药费3-5百一个月。普通金属支架要吃3个月, 药物涂层支架至少要吃一年。所以她
网上查了Harvard Medical School 研究说
Stents are tiny wire cages that can fit inside an artery. They were invented
to prop open heart arteries after angioplasty cleared them of clogs. The
first stents were made of bare metal. The drug-coated versions release
medication to stop restenosis, a regrowth of cells that can create a new
blockage. Soon after drug-coated stents hit the market, doctors began seeing
heart attacks and sudden deaths caused by clots forming inside the devices.
Researchers found that clotting problems were twice as likely to happen
with drug-coated stents as with bare-metal ones. However, a longer-term
analysis showed no significant difference three years after surgery.
Which stent is right for you? The Harvard Heart Letter suggests that a drug-
coated stent might be a good choice if the anatomy of the affected artery
makes it prone to restenosis; if you aren’t planning any surgery in the
next year; and if you're good about taking medications. (People with drug-
coated stents need to take medicine to prevent clotting for a year or more.)
A bare-metal stent might be better if you might need surgery soon or if you
can’t afford the medications.
)和 Drug Coated Stent (药物涂层支架)各有什么好坏。
概药费3-5百一个月。普通金属支架要吃3个月, 药物涂层支架至少要吃一年。所以她
网上查了Harvard Medical School 研究说
Stents are tiny wire cages that can fit inside an artery. They were invented
to prop open heart arteries after angioplasty cleared them of clogs. The
first stents were made of bare metal. The drug-coated versions release
medication to stop restenosis, a regrowth of cells that can create a new
blockage. Soon after drug-coated stents hit the market, doctors began seeing
heart attacks and sudden deaths caused by clots forming inside the devices.
Researchers found that clotting problems were twice as likely to happen
with drug-coated stents as with bare-metal ones. However, a longer-term
analysis showed no significant difference three years after surgery.
Which stent is right for you? The Harvard Heart Letter suggests that a drug-
coated stent might be a good choice if the anatomy of the affected artery
makes it prone to restenosis; if you aren’t planning any surgery in the
next year; and if you're good about taking medications. (People with drug-
coated stents need to take medicine to prevent clotting for a year or more.)
A bare-metal stent might be better if you might need surgery soon or if you
can’t afford the medications.