撒剔牙想做什么? (转载)# Programming - 葵花宝典
1 楼
上周onsite,感觉talk和单独谈话都还说得过去。search chair显得很热情(甚至带我
去看了faculty housing 和我喜欢的 tennis courts)。后来单独和咖啡的时候竟然跟
我说“i think you have a very good chance”
第二天发了thank you letter.7,8个人有4,5个回了信。
Search chair 说“It was a pleasure to meet you and to show you a little bit
of xxx.
。。。We will be in touch in a few weeks. ”
系主任说:“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and attending your excellent
presentation. I am very positively impressed with your depth of knowledge of
As we discussed, the final decision will be made by the Dean once all the
relevant information is presented to him. This will take several weeks to
allow for other scheduled activities.”
advisor”也都参加了。他回信说“it was indeed a pleasure meeting you….look
forward to seeing you soon! Please, don’t hesitate to ask me any questions
…glad to help“
去看了faculty housing 和我喜欢的 tennis courts)。后来单独和咖啡的时候竟然跟
我说“i think you have a very good chance”
第二天发了thank you letter.7,8个人有4,5个回了信。
Search chair 说“It was a pleasure to meet you and to show you a little bit
of xxx.
。。。We will be in touch in a few weeks. ”
系主任说:“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and attending your excellent
presentation. I am very positively impressed with your depth of knowledge of
As we discussed, the final decision will be made by the Dean once all the
relevant information is presented to him. This will take several weeks to
allow for other scheduled activities.”
advisor”也都参加了。他回信说“it was indeed a pleasure meeting you….look
forward to seeing you soon! Please, don’t hesitate to ask me any questions
…glad to help“