the other day i read a post from here recommending 2 books
i got both
now i m reading one of them: the drama of the gifted child, the search for
the true self
by alice miller
i can not help but coming here again to tell you guys
it is a really great book, at least to me
it explains my situation very well
i almost burst into tears several times
for those who are depressed, especially those who lack of self esteem and do
not really know the root, it might give you the answer.
i can not find the or
Great to know my recommendation can help you. I cried many times when I was
reading this book. many many times......
did u read "making sense of suffering"? the author mentioned it several
times in the book too.
and the 4 steps?
does it work?
sometimes i had the feeling of hatred toward my parents, especiall my mother
, for the childhood suffering that keep influencing my life even now.
but i also know she had her own problems too. maybe i could be another her
if i had a child without knowing all this.
i dont know if all this can be reversed...so sad
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.. Wish youget well soon :)

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: the other day i read a post from here recommending 2 books
: i got both
: now i m reading one of them: the drama of the gifted child, the search for
: the true self
: by alice miller
: i can not help but coming here again to tell you guys
: it is a really great book, at least to me
: it explains my situation very well
: i almost burst into tears several times
: for those who are depressed, especially those who lack of self esteem and do


【在 D**N 的大作中提到】
: Great to know my recommendation can help you. I cried many times when I was
: reading this book. many many times......

Learn to forgive bah, though it is hard, but sure it would make you feel better and be easier to focus on the bright side of the world. Good luck.

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: thanks!
: did u read "making sense of suffering"? the author mentioned it several
: times in the book too.
: and the 4 steps?
: does it work?
: sometimes i had the feeling of hatred toward my parents, especiall my mother
: , for the childhood suffering that keep influencing my life even now.
: but i also know she had her own problems too. maybe i could be another her
: if i had a child without knowing all this.
: i dont know if all this can be reversed...so sad

i just started the 2nd book
managing your mind
this is also a great one
if the first one has let me dig deep in the painful history that caused my
problems, this one gives me lots of hope
now i kinda think that depression (or whatever mental problm) is really an
just like any other physical illness
you have the symptoms, some of which are so common among the patients
and it takes some treatment to get well
most importantly, it can get well
i remember you talking about taking a bi
hatred is the thing every one can do, but forgiveness and love are not. if
you see the two options as two doors: hatred the wide door, forgiveness the
narrow door; the wide door leads to destruction, while the narrow door leads
to new life, not only your life, but also many others. To hate your mother
only builds a stronger emotional attachment to her, but what you need is to
detach from your painful history. even you know that hatred is the wrong
option, to emotionally let it go still takes a l

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: i just started the 2nd book
: managing your mind
: this is also a great one
: if the first one has let me dig deep in the painful history that caused my
: problems, this one gives me lots of hope
: now i kinda think that depression (or whatever mental problm) is really an
: illness
: just like any other physical illness
: you have the symptoms, some of which are so common among the patients
: and it takes some treatment to get well

i love the cat and mouse joke!
so funny

better and be easier to focus on the bright side of the world. Good luck.

【在 w****r 的大作中提到】
: Learn to forgive bah, though it is hard, but sure it would make you feel better and be easier to focus on the bright side of the world. Good luck.
yes. that is so true...


【在 D**N 的大作中提到】
: hatred is the thing every one can do, but forgiveness and love are not. if
: you see the two options as two doors: hatred the wide door, forgiveness the
: narrow door; the wide door leads to destruction, while the narrow door leads
: to new life, not only your life, but also many others. To hate your mother
: only builds a stronger emotional attachment to her, but what you need is to
: detach from your painful history. even you know that hatred is the wrong
: option, to emotionally let it go still takes a l

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