10 楼
But you claimed home price doubles every 2 years - there was no mention of
If you use 5x leverage, then your net worth goes up 10x every 2 years. You'
ll be worth 500 billion dollars 10 years from now. How nice - your net worth
will be 10x that of Warren Buffett, and will be more than the richest 100
Chinese guys combined. The cool thing is, you don't need to do anything.
Wait, here I'm assuming dollar is stable. If RMB gets to 1:1, you'll be
worth 3 TRILLION dollars. Your net worth will be 1/5 of the GDP of the USA.
Congratulations! What a nice world!
【在 g*****0 的大作中提到】
: 买房有杠杆的,明白不?10年房价涨10倍,5倍杠杆就是50倍
If you use 5x leverage, then your net worth goes up 10x every 2 years. You'
ll be worth 500 billion dollars 10 years from now. How nice - your net worth
will be 10x that of Warren Buffett, and will be more than the richest 100
Chinese guys combined. The cool thing is, you don't need to do anything.
Wait, here I'm assuming dollar is stable. If RMB gets to 1:1, you'll be
worth 3 TRILLION dollars. Your net worth will be 1/5 of the GDP of the USA.
Congratulations! What a nice world!
【在 g*****0 的大作中提到】
: 买房有杠杆的,明白不?10年房价涨10倍,5倍杠杆就是50倍
12 楼
走穴讲课体会纠结于龟与不龟,大家给个意见吧,北京20w左右vs欧洲40w[bssd]要回国了-LP篇(下)国内为何要封mitbbs呢?深圳光启高等理工研究院招聘(Faculty:50个职位,博士后:50个职位)WK,连兰州的房价都涨到1万多/m2了有人能不能讲讲国内经济类研究生专业回国吃狗肉去了。为什么老将像狗一样的出国?入选千青是不是自动生为正教授06年毕业的副总裁千青的表怎么填不了?Renewing Your US Student Visa华中科技大学人才招募座谈会(Boston, 12/15)Re: 大家给说说-该给婆婆办绿卡吗? (转载)弱问, UPS EXPRESS 邮件多久能到?百人计划13,4万的工资够活吗?暴升房租打击群租以逼迫租房者接盘房市泡沫,房地产利益集团最后 (转载)如果你不是当官的儿子,或者手头没钱,生活将会非常艰辛民营企业HR和我联系的经历