大伙儿等着失业海归吧,新消息,budget cut nation wide!!! (转 (转载)
大伙儿等着失业海归吧,新消息,budget cut nation wide!!! (转 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 Faculty 讨论区 】
发信人: Morphin (莫非-白衣“追鱼”郎), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 大伙儿等着失业海归吧,新消息,budget cut nation wide!!! (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 14 15:03:51 2011, 美东)
发信人: bittergourd (苦瓜), 信区: Biology
标 题: 大伙儿等着失业海归吧,新消息,budget cut nation wide!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 14 14:32:48 2011, 美东)
收到一封BPS的信,关于FY 2011 funding package, H.R. 1
NIH: -$1.6 B
NSF: -$359.5 M
DOE: -$886 M
Impact of the Proposed Cuts:
· Layoffs of thousands of highly skilled scientists, engineers,
technologists, and support personnel and
contractors at both national laboratories and universities.
· A sharp reduction in the operation and in some instances the
complete shutdown of major DOE
research facilities in which the U.S. government has already invested
substantial resources. These facilities
are home to unique, complex, and expensive scientific tools and instruments
found few places in the world.
These facilities enable U.S. scientists and engineers from both industry and
universities to perform cutting-
edge research in areas such as high energy and nuclear physics, magnetic
fusion, heavy-element chemistry,
nanotechnology, high-performance computing, advanced materials, and
structural biology.
· Elimination of current government support for hundreds of PhD
researchers and graduate students in
university research programs all across the country, which could purge a
whole generation of scientists and
engineers, and would send a very negative signal to industry, the science
and technology community, and
young American students contemplating careers in science and engineering
calling into question Congress
commitment to U.S. scientific research essential for our continued global
competitiveness and long-term
energy security.
· Further declines in the already-low grant success rates at NSF
and NIH. Even at current funding levels
grant success rates for many NSF and NIH research programs are already at or
below 20 percent.
· 500 fewer NSF research awards, supporting 5,500 fewer researchers
, students, and technical support
personnel than in FY 2010. Awards for new NSF research and science and
technology centers in areas of
science and engineering such as nanotechnology and materials research will
likely be significantly curtailed.
· Cuts to important NSF support for science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM) education
programs at the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels. This would
include reductions in NSF graduate
fellowships, traineeships, and young investigator awards.
· Cuts to DOE, NSF and NIH would result in layoffs of scientists,
engineers, technologists, and support
personnel at national laboratories and universities across the country.
These workers are vital to American