iphone spyware:在全球追踪任何个人的最方便方法 (转载)
iphone spyware:在全球追踪任何个人的最方便方法 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: smokinggun (硝烟), 信区: Military
标 题: iphone spyware:在全球追踪任何个人的最方便方法
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 1 09:44:49 2012, 美东)
iPhone Spyware – The Most Convenient Way To Spy Ony Anyone You Want!
Posted on November 22, 2011 by Cell Phone Spyware
Looking for iPhone Spyware? To date, there are more than 146 million iPhones
that were sold to customers worldwide and if you want to track a person who
is using this device, using the iPhone Spyware would be ideal.
Although using the iPhone spyware in tracking the mobile activities of an
individual seems to be too hi-tech, it is actually easy to use and install.
If you are trying to keep someone on surveillance but you don’t want that
person to know that you want to keep track of his activities, there are two
ways to go about with your problem.
Keep Tabs On Someone Through Physical Surveillance
If you want to discover the transactions and the dealings of an individual,
you can go to a private eye. This is the most expedient path that you can
choose if you don’t want to tail a person for fear that you will be
discovered. However, this can cost you a lot of money and if your
allegations are actually false, you will be wasting your time and your cash.
The Economic Way To Track A Person’s Activities
If you want a convenient way to put a person under surveillance, you should
get hold of that person’s iPhone transactions. To do this, you need the
cell phone spyware that can give you access to the information that you need
. By using this software, you can look forward to a stream of information
from that person’s transactions without going broke. You can even do the
entire operation by yourself so you don’t have to involve other people in
the process.
How To Use The iPhone Spyware
To start tracking a mobile device, you need to install the spyware to the
mobile device. If the operating system of the iPhone that you are planning
to track is version 4 or 5.x, then you just have to follow these steps to
have access to the mobile information that you need.
1. Jailbreak your iPhone.
2. Click the Cydia icon and choose the Sources button.
3. On the top right corner of the iPhone, you can see the Edit button.
Click on it.
4. Choose Add which is on the upper left corner of the screen.
5. Type the URL of the spyware and Add Source.
6. Cydia will verify the URL, update its sources and download the
7. Return to Cydia and choose Radio.
8. Click install and then on confirm.
9. Upon the completion of the installation, click on the radio icon so
that the application will start running.
10. Put a check mark on Accept Terms and Conditions Box, enter the license
key and choose verify.
11. Restart your phone to activate the spyware.
Using An iPhone Spyware That Isn’t Hard To Install…
With the convenience that is offered by the spyware, it would be better to
use this software to keep track of a person’s activities. The iPhone
spyware will allow an individual to have access to another person’s mobile
transactions without any hassles. Hence, using this software in spying is
highly recommended.
Are you looking for a convenient way to track a person’s activities? Visit:
Instant iPhone Spyware Program
Keeping a person under surveillance can be done through a number of ways.
You can hire a private eye and you also have the option to monitor the logs
in that person’s phone by using the spyware. Installing the software is
easy and you can get the evidence and the info that you need with this
Do you want to know the best way to gather important information without
being discovered? Visit: iPhone spyware