霉国低廉的医疗费用 (转载)
霉国低廉的医疗费用 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
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发信人: choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!), 信区: Military
标 题: 霉国低廉的医疗费用
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 1 12:52:02 2013, 美东)
To everyone just bashing this guy: I just looked up the price for a
pacemaker (and procedure) from a Danish private hospital Source - Click "
Pris" at the bottom to expand.
The price in DKK is 25000 kr (operation) plus 22500 kr (pacemaker). This
comes out to roughly 4500 USD (operation) and 4000 USD (pacemaker).
And please don't try to justify the 1500% increased price by lower prices in
Denmark, as pretty much everything outside of hospitals is way more
expensive in Denmark compared to the US.
The reason the pacemaker ends up being astonomically expensive is the price
gouging inherent in a completely private insurance-based health system.
[–]beepo 118 points 10 hours ago
The $67,000 was for an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD), not a
pacemaker. That price is still extremely high none the less. The technology
is fairly mature and by all accounts the cost of the technology should have
come down since it was first used in the 1980s.
The reason the cost hasn't come down is the source of significant debate. Do
a Google search and you will see blogs devoted to the topic. Some blame
Medicare rules, some blame the close relationship between surgeons and
device makers
[–]damanas 169 points 12 hours ago
Also this bill doesn't include any of the written off costs and insurance
paid costs, and there's about a 99.85% chance that they're listed elsewhere
on the same page. You can even see a -$$ on the left side.
[–]williafx 228 points 10 hours ago
Regardless of who pays the bill, it's the highway robbery prices shown that
are jacking up the cost of care in the US across the board for everybody.
We all ultimately pay these bills through insane premiums.
[–]somehokie 55 points 12 hours ago
Because medical costs in the US are grossly overinflated, and you get sent
to the ER for everything. I remember a few summers ago, I had a really bad
sunburn, so I wanted to get it checked out by a doctor. Well, the doctor
told me that their office only does check ups, so I'd have to go to the
hospital and go to ER. Once there, after waiting through a line of people
with colds or stomach aches (and only one actual emergency), I was put into
a room for a doctor to basically say "Yep, it's a really bad sunburn. Make
sure to wash it and use aloe." Cost was $8k.
[–]sour_candy 125 points 13 hours ago
get cancer in america, and go bankrupt is your best hope. realistically you
[–]Krotiuz 100 points 13 hours ago
This is the reason I'm too scared to live in America. You have a really bad
day, and then your life is ruined
[–]paddy_wagon 1746 points 15 hours ago
Call their billing department and haggle with them. You can actually do that.
[–]tonguejack-a-shitbox 2031 points 14 hours ago
"Listen. I don't have a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars. Would you
take fifty bucks and a coupon to Kohls?