Neuroscience Post-doc Position Available (Beijing Normal University)
Neuroscience Post-doc Position Available (Beijing Normal University)# Returnee - 海归
Neuroscience Post-doc Position Available
Beijing Normal University
Applicants are invited for a postdoctoral position in Dr. Haidong Lu's lab
at Beijing Normal University. Dr. Lu’s lab uses optical imaging,
electrophysiology, and histological methods to study the neural mechanisms
underlying vision in non-human primates. Ongoing research projects include:
1. Anatomical connections among functional architectures in the monkey
visual cortex; 2. Functional roles of the motion sensitive neurons in the
ventral visual pathway; 3. Binocular vision and visual awareness; 4.
Advanced image data analysis in functional brain imaging. Applicants
interested in any one of these projects are encouraged to apply. The
successful candidate is expected to conduct multi-method research (intrinsic
signal optical imaging, in vivo electrophysiology, map-guided tracing and
histology, awake monkey training, in vivo 2-photon imaging, advanced image
analysis). Salary and benefits are commensurate with experience. Appointment
will be 2 years and renewable.
Haidong Lu, Ph.D. Professor
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning
Beijing Normal University
Xin Jie Kou Wai Street No.19, Beijing, China, 100875
Phone: +86-01-5880-2039
Email: [email protected]
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Recent publications:
Chen M, Li P, Zhu S, Han C, Xu H, Fang Y, Hu J, Roe AW, Lu HD. (2014) An
orientation map for motion boundaries in macaque V2. Cerebral Cortex, doi:
Li PC, Zhu SD, Chen M, Han C, Xu HR, Hu JM, Fang Y, Lu HD. (2013) A motion
direction preference map in monkey V4. Neuron 78:376–388.
Rasch MJ, Chen M, Wu S, Lu HD, Roe AW. (2013) Quantitative inference of
population response properties across eccentricity from motion-induced maps
in macaque V1. J Neurophysiol. 109:1233-1249.
Lu HD, Chen G, Tanigawa H, Roe AW (2010) A Motion Direction Map in Macaque
V2. Neuron. 68:1002-1013.