给你们看个吹牛不打草稿的凤凰男# Returnee - 海归
repatriating... to shanghai
Post by twotwenty » Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:09 am
hey guys,
i was born and raised in a very Nong part of china, went to college in Hong
Kong, then transferred to an US school. I have a job in a very desired
industry: the hours are flexible, work is very interesting. I was just
offered a job in the same industry in Shanghai - it'll be a promotion title
wise so the hours will be more flexible and work will be more interesting,
but I was only offered 32k RMB/mo. and a performance bonus that I can't
count on. I'm 26, male. I'm a Chinese citizen so I don't need to pay US
America has grown on me over the last 6 years. I own a gun, I'm a private
pilot and I enjoy paying $20 to see the newest musicians/dancers/stage
actors perform in a venue near me. All my friends are in America.
If I take this offer I'll be developing my career in China, and the chance
that I come back to America is little. Will I be able to re-adapt the
Chinese environment with my American habits, especially with money less than
what I get now?
I'm a venture capitalist. I actually help my portfolio companies hire and
fire a lot. Just helped a NY company set up their inside sales team. What I
see in the industry in the US is that firms are hiring for unicorns. The
industry is shrinking, so they are over-staffed and just want to interview
to see who's out there. If it's really my bad fit, why would each of those
70% of the firms phone interview 20 people and fly 5-6 candidates onsite,
and end up hiring no one?