华人男孩Peter Wang和Parkland 凋零的生命 (转载)
华人男孩Peter Wang和Parkland 凋零的生命 (转载)# Returnee - 海归
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发信人: CoolTeeth (小石头), 信区: USANews
标 题: 华人男孩Peter Wang和Parkland 凋零的生命
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 16 21:26:54 2018, 美东)
Peter Wang, 15岁的华人孩子,在最危难的那一刻,他用身体抵住门让同学们先逃离现
场。在我们庆祝中国新年的时候,他与家人、朋友阴阳两隔。he was in the school’
s ROTC program, and he was last seen wearing the gray uniform with black
stripes as he held open the door so others could escape, his cousin, Aaron
Chen, told the Miami Herald. Wang was confirmed dead by family members
Peter, who Aaron described as brave, was in study hall when the shooting
His best friend, Gabriel Ammirata, said Peter was“funny, nice and a great
friend. He’s been my best friend since third grade.”
Gabriel planned to celebrate the Chinese New Year on Thursday with Peter and
his family at the Chinese restaurant Peter’s family owned.
Jesse Pan(潘增焰), a Parkland real estate agent who said he is a neighbor
of the Peter's family, under his facebook post "Rest in Peace Peter" .
Jamie Gutterberg 17岁
“My heart is broken.Yesterday, Jennifer Bloom Guttenberg and I lost our
baby girl to a violentshooting at her school. We lost our daughter and my
son Jesse Guttenberg losthis sister. I am broken as I write this trying to
figure out how my familyget's through this. We appreciate all of the calls
and messages and weapologize for not reacting to everyone individually. Jen
and I will be figuringthings out today and so we ask that you respect out
privacy. We will be gettingmessages out later regarding visitation. Hugs to
all and hold your childrentight.”
Martin Duque,14岁九年级学生: a 14-year-old freshman, was atschool
Wednesday and died in the shooting. His older brother Miguel, whograduated
from Douglas High last year, shared the news via an Instagram postearly
Thursday morning. “Words can not describe my pain,” he wrote. “I
lovebrother Martin you’ll be missed buddy.”
Alyssa Alhadeff, 15岁九年级学生,a 15-year-old freshman, had beenreported
missing by her grandmother on Wednesday after the shooting. Her
cousinAriella Del Quaglio confirmed the student's death via Facebook on
Aaron Feis, 橄榄球队助理教练,在枪击发生时挺身而出保护学生的英雄。an
assistant football coachwho was critically injured after jumping in front of
the shooter to protect students,died from his wounds early Thursday morning.
GinaMontalto,14岁九年级学生 a 14-year-old freshman, served on the school’s
winter guardteam. She died late Wednesday night, friends and family
confirmed on socialmedia. Montalto had been missing after the shooting and
was not answering herphone.
One of her color guard instructors from middleschool, Manuel Miranda, posted
about her death Wednesday night.
Nicholas Dworet,即将毕业并得到游泳奖学金被indianapolis大学录取的十二年学生。
a senior who had just received a swimming scholarship to the University of
Indianapolis, was killed.
Luke Hoyer was confirmed to have died on the third floor of the school by
family members.
Meadow Pollack, 一位即将步入大学校园十二年级学生。a senior, planned to to
attend Lynn University. She was confirmed dead early Thursday.
Joaquin Oliver, 17岁,去年刚刚入美国籍。he was born in Venezuela and moved
to the U.S. at the age of three with his family. He had become a U.S.
citizenin Jan. 2017.
2018-02-17 北美经济导报佛州

【在 B******n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: CoolTeeth (小石头), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: 华人男孩Peter Wang和Parkland 凋零的生命
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 16 21:26:54 2018, 美东)
: Peter Wang, 15岁的华人孩子,在最危难的那一刻,他用身体抵住门让同学们先逃离现
: 场。在我们庆祝中国新年的时候,他与家人、朋友阴阳两隔。he was in the school’
: s ROTC program, and he was last seen wearing the gray uniform with black
: stripes as he held open the door so others could escape, his cousin, Aaron
: Chen, told the Miami Herald. Wang was confirmed dead by family members
: Thursday.


【在 B******n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
: 发信人: CoolTeeth (小石头), 信区: USANews
: 标 题: 华人男孩Peter Wang和Parkland 凋零的生命
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 16 21:26:54 2018, 美东)
: Peter Wang, 15岁的华人孩子,在最危难的那一刻,他用身体抵住门让同学们先逃离现
: 场。在我们庆祝中国新年的时候,他与家人、朋友阴阳两隔。he was in the school’
: s ROTC program, and he was last seen wearing the gray uniform with black
: stripes as he held open the door so others could escape, his cousin, Aaron
: Chen, told the Miami Herald. Wang was confirmed dead by family members
: Thursday.

[在 Bifujian (哈哈儿) 的大作中提到:]
:Peter Wang, 15岁的华人孩子,在最危难的那一刻,他用身体抵住门让同学们先逃离
现场。在我们庆祝中国新年的时候,他与家人、朋友阴阳两隔。he was in the school
’s ROTC program, and he was last seen wearing the gray uniform with black
:stripes as he held open the door so others could escape, his cousin, Aaron
:Chen, told the Miami Herald. Wang was confirmed dead by family members
:Peter, who Aaron described as brave, was in study hall when the shooting
:His best friend, Gabriel Ammirata, said Peter was“funny, nice and a great
:friend. He’s been my best friend since third grade.”
:Gabriel planned to celebrate the Chinese New Year on Thursday with Peter
and his family at the Chinese restaurant Peter’s family owned.
:Jesse Pan(潘增焰), a Parkland real estate agent who said he is a neighbor