I'm not sure if I can talk about SciFi movies here, hehe.
Anyway, just saw this old movie yesterday, man, isn't that
depressing or what? The plot is neat, and well executed,
but I don't know what the writer is trying to tell us, that
everything is just fate and there's no escape? Just like
an online review said, you can guess the ending if you have
a hope for the worst. Arghhhh! Now I'm depressed!

What's the story? I saw it last year. Almost forget it. The
only thing I can remember is Bruce Willis did some time travel.

【在 s******l 的大作中提到】
: I'm not sure if I can talk about SciFi movies here, hehe.
: Anyway, just saw this old movie yesterday, man, isn't that
: depressing or what? The plot is neat, and well executed,
: but I don't know what the writer is trying to tell us, that
: everything is just fate and there's no escape? Just like
: an online review said, you can guess the ending if you have
: a hope for the worst. Arghhhh! Now I'm depressed!



【在 s******l 的大作中提到】
: I'm not sure if I can talk about SciFi movies here, hehe.
: Anyway, just saw this old movie yesterday, man, isn't that
: depressing or what? The plot is neat, and well executed,
: but I don't know what the writer is trying to tell us, that
: everything is just fate and there's no escape? Just like
: an online review said, you can guess the ending if you have
: a hope for the worst. Arghhhh! Now I'm depressed!

I was a bit confused by the ending actually.
The story goes like this:
Bruce was a prisoner sometime in the future. He always had this
bad dream that he saw a man getting shot and a lady screaming
and runing toward that man (repeated many times in the movie).
To reduce his sentence, he accepted an assignment to go above
ground to collect specimens. Since in year 20xx the only people
alive were living underground and all people living above the
ground had been killed by a deadly virus, this ass

【在 s******l 的大作中提到】
: I'm not sure if I can talk about SciFi movies here, hehe.
: Anyway, just saw this old movie yesterday, man, isn't that
: depressing or what? The plot is neat, and well executed,
: but I don't know what the writer is trying to tell us, that
: everything is just fate and there's no escape? Just like
: an online review said, you can guess the ending if you have
: a hope for the worst. Arghhhh! Now I'm depressed!


hehe, it seems that this movie tends to confuse a lot of people.
The above ground advanture seems to be some kind of test, if he
gets back alive, then he's fit for the time travel mission.
This happened during his first time travel, which brought him
back to 1990 while his target time period is 1996 (the time when
the virus was released). He was arrested by the police and thrown
into a mad house where he met the man who's going to be the leader
of the army of 12 monkeys and this lovely lady psy

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: I was a bit confused by the ending actually.
: The story goes like this:
: Bruce was a prisoner sometime in the future. He always had this
: bad dream that he saw a man getting shot and a lady screaming
: and runing toward that man (repeated many times in the movie).
: To reduce his sentence, he accepted an assignment to go above
: ground to collect specimens. Since in year 20xx the only people
: alive were living underground and all people living above the
: ground had been killed by a deadly virus, this ass

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