My PC got hit by this virus. I tried to format hard drive, reinstall system,
but it still comes out right after I upgrade symantec and windows 2000 pro. Is
this kind of virus able to live in BIOS? Or can it infect my PC from network
in a few seconds before I upgrade my system?

I don't think there is any virus capable of infecting BIOS those days. There
can be some main boot record viruses that won't be getten rid of by hard drive
formatting. That is why fdisk /mbr comes in handy some times.
In the case of w32.spybot.worm, however, it seems a file based virus, so a
complete formatting of dish should do the job. Just make sure you had all
infected files wiped out.
What might actually happened in your case is that the virus spots one of the
vulnerabilities in your Wi

【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
: My PC got hit by this virus. I tried to format hard drive, reinstall system,
: but it still comes out right after I upgrade symantec and windows 2000 pro. Is
: this kind of virus able to live in BIOS? Or can it infect my PC from network
: in a few seconds before I upgrade my system?

只访问了symantec和msupdate网站.后来用CD upgrade symantec AV的virus definition

【在 t*d 的大作中提到】
: Is
: I don't think there is any virus capable of infecting BIOS those days. There
: can be some main boot record viruses that won't be getten rid of by hard drive
: formatting. That is why fdisk /mbr comes in handy some times.
: In the case of w32.spybot.worm, however, it seems a file based virus, so a
: complete formatting of dish should do the job. Just make sure you had all
: infected files wiped out.
: What might actually happened in your case is that the virus spots one of the
: vulnerabilities in your Wi

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