if you are using BulletProofFtp
if you are using BulletProofFtp# Software - 软件世界
A good small FTP software(From SH recommendation). In SH
article, he already had mentioned several of its advantage.
But here I want to say that some default options in it are
really bad. One of them is General
Options-->Toggles-->URLS-->Mointor ClipBorad for URLS. It is
really stupid, I think. When I am copying an URL, for
example, some IP, it will go directly to BulletProofFtp, and
what's more, you can not paste it to the other programs. I
do not this happens to you or not, but it happened to

I'd give it higher vote than BulletProof. First, FTP Voyager can do whatever
BPFTP can do, so you don't lose anything by switching to BPFTP. Second,
BPFTP lacks a very important feature: multi-thread, which means once you
started downloading, you can't browse the FTP site any more, while in
FTP Voyager (and LeechFTP), they are separated threads, very convienent. The
only drawback of using FTP Voyager, I think, is that its queueing feature is
not as user-friendly as BPFTP.

【在 g****y 的大作中提到】
: A good small FTP software(From SH recommendation). In SH
: article, he already had mentioned several of its advantage.
: But here I want to say that some default options in it are
: really bad. One of them is General
: Options-->Toggles-->URLS-->Mointor ClipBorad for URLS. It is
: really stupid, I think. When I am copying an URL, for
: example, some IP, it will go directly to BulletProofFtp, and
: what's more, you can not paste it to the other programs. I
: do not this happens to you or not, but it happened to
