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A good friend of mine forwarded this and asked for support. It's about Asian
American students are being discriminated against and held at higher
standards than other ethnic groups in college admissions.
OPEN LETTER: A Call to End Racial Preference in College and University
Dear Friends and Asian Parents,
I am writing to you regarding the serious violation of equal protection,
injustice, and discrimination inflicted by racial preference policies, in
particular affirmative action in college admissions, which almost every
college-bound Asian American student is confronted with today. They need
your help!
America is poised to become a majority-minority nation. In fact, several
states have crossed that line. Based on the current demographic shift shown
in Census data, by 2043 or sooner, it’s projected the whole country will
become a majority-minority nation. Furthermore, the changing national
demographics helped President Obama win two elections. Nobody could argue
that President Obama’s 2008 win is an anomaly. Today, not only do
minorities hold key positions in all 3 branches of the Federal government
but also many of them are successful leaders in business, sports, academia,
entertainment, and news media. The critical mass is reached.
As minorities gain in population and political power nationally, racial
preferences given to particular groups are likely to come under fire and
scrutiny from public opinions and the judicial courts, if not already.
Increasingly, racial preference affirmative action is an inadequate tool
against inequality and in fact is now causing more injustice and inequality
problems than it is intended to solve. Can you imagine a race-based
preference for Asian athletes in the NBA or the NFL? (See article “What If
the NBA Had Quotas" - http://townhall.com/columnists/larryelder/2006/12/14/what_if_the_nba_had_quotas/page/full/ )
It is unfortunate that many American universities and colleges, including
prestigious private and public institutions that educate our future leaders,
are doing exactly that - secretly and illegally practicing social
engineering using racial preference, quota, or race-based point system in
their admission process. The evidence of these widespread practices and the
discrimination against Asian American students is overwhelming and has been
extensively documented (more on this later). Moreover, historical college
admission data and comparative statistical analyses clearly show that
discrimination against Asian American students is systematic and
institutionalized in most Ivy League universities, including Harvard,
Princeton, and Yale, as well as many public universities, including Univ. of
Texas, Univ. of Michigan, Univ. of Oklahoma, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison,
Univ. of Nebraska, Univ. of Arizona, Arizona State Univ., Miami Univ., and
Ohio State Univ. As a result, numerous lawsuits and complaints were filed
against many of these universities by students of several races in the past
College and university admission process is complex and multifaceted. And
nobody doubts there are many criteria to assess a student’s aptitude,
capabilities, and characters across many dimensions, such as academic merits
, socioeconomic status, community service, personal drive and aspiration,
citizenship, etc. But, in this day and age, we should not believe that race
is one. A student’s race has nothing to do with his or her qualifications
. Race conscious affirmative action is nothing but a form of racial
discrimination and self-righteous social engineering.
Inspired by a powerful research paper (See article “The Myth of American
Meritocracy” - http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-myth-of-american-meritocracy/), and at the same time, disappointed by the silence of many rights groups and the lack of voice in Asian American community concerning the hardship and discrimination faced by many Asian American students, I started a virtual community on Facebook - Asian Americans Against Affirmative Action (AAAAA). AAAAA intends to promote racial equality and social justice through equal access, personal responsibilities, and colorblind or race-neutral policies. AAAAA is against race-based admission policy which is now widely adopted in many higher institutions.
The AAAAA Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/AgainstAA has a wealth of information on the topic of affirmative action including an exhaustive collection of historic events, important court cases, interviews of intellectuals, reviews, debates, articles by subject matter experts, books by prominent scholars, reports, commentaries, op-eds, and many links to blogs, videos. I hope you find it resourceful and informative.
If you don’t want to live a society where our children are afraid of
telling their race or ethnicity to colleges (See article “I am not Asian”
- http://www.jessewashington.com/im-not-asian.html ), if you don’t want to live in a society where racial preference is given to one group or groups over others, if you don’t want to live in a society where our nation’s most prestigious universities consciously social-engineer our future, then race-based affirmative action must be defeated and outlawed by the highest court and by every state. In fact, 7 states - Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire and Washington - have banned racial preferences in college admissions.
I encourage to you speak out and write more on this issue. Also please
support the initiative by visiting and liking the AAAAA Facebook page and
forwarding this message to your friends, colleagues, family members and ask
them to support as well.
We invite people of all races, not just Asian Americans, to join the fight
for racial equality and justice. Together, we can raise the public awareness
, influence policy makers, and work towards abolishing the race-based
affirmative action policy once and for all.

Best Regards,
Asian Americans Against Affirmative Action (AAAAA)
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AgainstAA
Need recommendations for lawyer/CPA who has experience/can help to setup a
CPO. Preferable in NJ area.
Summary: 8 to 10 partners, operator with series-3 certification.
Please PM. Thanks a lot in advance!
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