以DS2019表为准 另外,美国国务院那边的办理waiver时,是否也要求必须签证 要在有效期内吗? No need
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take this seriously. go see a neurologist. 晕倒时有轻松感 is reminiscent of petit mal, but petit mal usually doesn't occur for the first time in 30s. 手 上提的物品洒落 is indicative of atonic seizure. but it is impossible to tell what's going on just from what you told.
晕倒时有轻松感 is a curious description of the symptom. for vasovagal syncope, if the pt remembers anything, it's the feeling of blood shortage before blackout such as dizziness, tightness of the head or painful feeling of the eyeballs. anyway, there is no way to tell what was going on just by her description.