Share some notes from <The Intelligent Investors># Stock
1 楼
最近把价值投资入门 I.I. 翻完了 内容估计大家都清楚 我就不多费口舌了
0. No one’s gravestone reads “HE BEAT THE MARKET.”
1. As the investment consultant Charles Ellis puts it, “If you’re not
prepared to stay married, you shouldn’t get married.”
2.“Never buy a stock immediately after a substantial rise or sell one
immediately after a substantial drop.”
3. IPO:
It’s Probably Overpriced,
Imaginary Profits Only,
Insiders’ Private Opportunity, or
Idiotic, Preposterous,
0. No one’s gravestone reads “HE BEAT THE MARKET.”
1. As the investment consultant Charles Ellis puts it, “If you’re not
prepared to stay married, you shouldn’t get married.”
2.“Never buy a stock immediately after a substantial rise or sell one
immediately after a substantial drop.”
3. IPO:
It’s Probably Overpriced,
Imaginary Profits Only,
Insiders’ Private Opportunity, or
Idiotic, Preposterous,