2 楼
don't feel it will fall anytime soon, given the ER is coming out soon and
IPAD is such a hit in the market.
250 can be expected, and we can see some downturn after that.
IPAD is such a hit in the market.
250 can be expected, and we can see some downturn after that.
4 楼
welcome AAPL
5 楼
大盘再爹爹,他就开始狂泻了. 这是他的习性. 后来居上.
美股大涨A股垃圾,估计中方有大的让步万物联网以后家里辐射会不会很大?这个年代巴菲特的持股是不是不可以跟了?呼唤安神菲林闭关2019年比挣钱更重要的是活着提醒一句, 还没获利或者逃跑的抓紧时间了 (01/07)谁看跌的啊,赌不赌MDT为啥断崖跌?老李想走是因为版上没小迷妹果然被我算到了大牛们评评20190107, BABA , 130.56, 143.16, 145.16贸易战谈判结果咋样?20190107, NFLX , 252.90, 315.34, 315.6520190107, CMG , 421.95, 485.00, 491.30bac还转红了人生如梦,老李谢幕苹果手不再是地位象征,中国人对其热情消退hq定律,别忘记了。