2 楼
With hurricanes starting to form and one moving into the gulf this week, the
best that can be hoped for is high wind and waves from the storm moving
northwest. That would dodge a bullet, but it could still affect drilling,
siphoning, collection and clean-up efforts because of wind and storm surge.
Regardless, this puppy is in for a wild ride this week. Put your seat-belts
on, it's going to get interesting. I look for the stock to move to somewhere
between $26 and $23. If the storm is a non-facto
best that can be hoped for is high wind and waves from the storm moving
northwest. That would dodge a bullet, but it could still affect drilling,
siphoning, collection and clean-up efforts because of wind and storm surge.
Regardless, this puppy is in for a wild ride this week. Put your seat-belts
on, it's going to get interesting. I look for the stock to move to somewhere
between $26 and $23. If the storm is a non-facto
3 楼
4 楼
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This is kind positive news, if this the whole problem, it will be solved
sooner or later.
【在 a*******8 的大作中提到】
: 不确定因素很多,小散户还是观望。
This is kind positive news, if this the whole problem, it will be solved
sooner or later.
【在 a*******8 的大作中提到】
: 不确定因素很多,小散户还是观望。
5 楼
新垂直起降隐形机来了 (转载)今年是中国最难就业年 北京签约率不足3成 (转载)果然OE日护盘很明显。刚才蹲坑的时候突然灵光一闪。。。。DANG怎么涨的这么厉害?草,炒股炒的只好去窝玛买衣服穿了尼玛,大盘收得很吉祥啊夜深人静,我想起朱令,我觉得惭愧。问个初级问题nm,,,今天账户新低。。。。金融其实就是欺诈和洗劫财富的系统化科学化的过程。重金属中毒,是不可逆转的,合肥审判中出现的谷今天买了YZC,有喜欢的可以看看。退休就靠yhoo intc bac3 carriage are all aligned.账户继续新高,但是继续跑输大盘的,怎么办?银矿公司成本分析(转贴)钢铁业遇五年来最艰难期 行业负债超三万亿 (转载)熊市要来了大盘新高 账户没新高的 举手