笑点比较低,看了这篇报道笑了半天# Stock
China Ratings Agency Downgrades America
You had to see this coming: The Chinese cut our debt rating — again.
This time, the Chinese rating agency Dagong reduced our sovereign credit
rating from "AA" to "A+". Why? No surprises here either: Quantitative Easing.
This report citation is reposted on The Financial Times Alphaville blog: "
The new round of quantitative easing monetary policy adopted by the Federal
Reserve has brought about an obvious trend of depreciation of the U.S.
dollar, and the continuation and deepening of credit crisis in the U.S. Such
a move entirely encroaches on the interests of the creditors, indicating
the decline of the U.S. government’s intention of debt repayment."
At least QE2 seems to be the proximate cause. We know the Chinese, among
others, have been unhappy with the idea of QE2 for some time now.
Perhaps it's just a bit of schadenfreude — or, perhaps more accurately,
bona fide sadism — in reaction to what the Chinese perceive as American
condescension about their economy and markets, most notably the value of the
Still, as a guy who loves this country, it makes me wince a little when I
read the following:
"The serious defects in the United States economic development and
management model will lead to the long-term recession of its national
economy, fundamentally lowering the national solvency."
"The U.S. government has not introspected on the question of the development
and management model of the national economy from the global strategic
perspective, which makes it very difficult for the U.S. to fundamentally
change the passive situation of economic development…"
On the flip side, according to the official website of The U.S. Department
of the Treasury, the Chinese remain our largest creditor.Chinese holdings of
U.S. Treasury securities are currently valued, at par, at $868.4 billion.
(Which has to make you wonder: Where's the wisdom in downgrading your own
position when you've already bet the farm?)
It reminds me of the old Wall Street adage: When you owe the bank $100,000
you have a creditor — when you owe the bank $100,000,000 you have a partner
. Well, then: What’s the nature of the relationship when one nation owes
another $836,000,000,000?
It's precisely the kind of smart-ass attitude so vividly illustrated by
articles like this that got Uncle Sam into such a deep hole. The same people
are probably going to rail against Chinese currency and trade manipulation
with the same snarky rhetoric, only this time directed at Bush and Obama
administrations for their supposed failure to ensure "fair" trade. Little
did they realize whenever you have destabilizingly large sum of money
flowing around, it typically results in mutually assured destruction. That'
s why the good ol' USA tiptoes around the whole "slam across the board
tariff on Chinese import" issue despite the fact it's an sure way to win you
votes. Think you can get away with anything just because you are the issuer
of the reserve currency? Think again, or better, ask Jimmy Carter.