2 楼
the last sentence:
Regarding the headcount, Goldman hired 2,900 employees in the last year,
helping average pay per employee to fall to $272,581 in the first half from
$364,135 a year earlier. Morgan Stanley's per-capita pay climbed to $126,244
from $94,465 a year earlier. Both appear to be hiring aggressively.
the last sentence:
Regarding the headcount, Goldman hired 2,900 employees in the last year,
helping average pay per employee to fall to $272,581 in the first half from
$364,135 a year earlier. Morgan Stanley's per-capita pay climbed to $126,244
from $94,465 a year earlier. Both appear to be hiring aggressively.
AMRNJASO今天要要要死All in NUAN. Carl Icahn 又twitter啦,还连发两个这两周这伟大的trade就是做空美国国债NQ 盘后暴跌阿关于我. 9/30. 卖过的几个皮克教你一招beat花街的方法,屡试不爽jcp没搭上车,呜呜呜呜至听说过在股市丢了媳妇的,赚到媳妇的。。。大家别follow icahn了,这个逼明显被黑老大们盯上了奥巴马呼吁博纳提出无附加条件预算法案马友图又吹牛了[通知] Stock 主题为<<周一,10/7,S&P涨跌 >>的博彩已开奖今天要暴涨,莫谓言之不预也!太阳能股票怎么做啊?和花街同学聊JCP有人研究NOK吗实拍地铁“勃起哥” (转载)fb为啥没有直接回复按钮股版真是只见新人笑,未见旧人哭啊