GS 2011 prediction
GS 2011 prediction# Stock
Goldman Sachs 2011 Forecast: Stocks, Gold, Oil Higher
Goldman Sachs is bullish on the U.S. economy for 2011, and forecasts U.S.
stocks will see their third straight year of gains.
The investment banking powerhouse sees the S&P 500 [.SPX Loading... ()
] gaining nearly 25 percent to a level of 1450 in the next 12 months,
fueled by strong corporate profits, easy monetary policies and an improving
U.S. economy.
Goldman [GS Loading... () ] sees stocks gaining as the U.S. economic
growth accelerating from 2.5 to 4 percent by the end of 2012, but says
investors will continue to have doubt. (Watch comments by Goldman's Chief U.
S. Investment Strategist David Kostin in the video clip later in this story.)
“Despite these many positives, the equity investing landscape is hard to
decipher,” Goldman’s U.S. investment strategy team writes in its 2011 U.S.
equity forecast, which is headlined “Easy Money, Hard Market.”
Investors remain understandably skeptical about positive economic data,
Goldman says, because the improvement is coming from a fairly low base. But
the strategists argue with strong corporate balance sheets, low inflation
and interest rates that “the path of earnings growth has rarely been
Goldman is recommending its clients increase their investments in cyclical
sectors. It continues to overweight technology, and has raised its outlook
on energy and financials to overweight from neutral.
Goldman also recommends investors underweight defensive sectors like health
care, consumer staples and utilities.
Long U.S. Bank Stocks
Goldman’s global investment team rates U.S. Large Cap Commercial Banks
among its "Top Trades for 2011." The firm expects financial sector earnings
to grow 24 percnet, with the economic recovery leading to improving loan
demands and credit trends for the big banks. It also believes the large cap
banks will get back to paying dividends in 2011.
The firm recommends clients gain exposure to the sector through the KBW Bank
Index [BKX Loading... () ] or SPDR ETF based on the index [KBE
Loading... () ].
Commodities: Gold, Oil Higher in 2011
Goldman believes low U.S. interest rates will continue to underpin the rally
in commodities like gold. The firm expects the precious metal futures to
climb to $1,690 an ounce by the end of 2011 and continue to move higher.
But the firm believes prices will likely peak at $1,750 an ounce in 2012, as
the U.S. recovery will see interest rates move higher.
Goldman’s commodities strategists also see oil futures rising to $105
dollars a barrel in 2011, and demand improving along with the U.S. economy.
The firm notes, “Energy is historically the best performing sector when the
ISM is above 50, which seems increasingly likely given strong October ISM
and our US economists upgrade to their 2011 growth outlook.”
Currencies: Top Trade, Bad Call
Among the risks Goldman sees for 2011 is moderating growth in China, as
Beijing tries to reign in inflation.
While its economic teams saw the improvement in U.S. growth lagging emerging
markets in 2010, Goldman strategists believe the trend has reversed over
the last six months, “with our US economics team now more constructive on
domestic growth, but our China economists expecting monetary tightening
through increases in interest rates and reserve requirements over the next
three to six months.”
One of the firm’s top trades for 2011 involves shorting the U.S. dollar/
Chinese yuan exchange. The firm argues low rates in the U.S. will keep the
dollar lower, while China will have to let its currency rise next year, as
it undertakes policies to control growth. “Rising external political
pressure on the CNY from the US and other countries, as well as the threat
of escalating trade tensions, expose China’s dependence on exports. More
gradual CNY appreciation would help alleviate these tensions.”
While most of Goldman’s 2010 predictions on the U.S. stock market,
commodities prices and economic growth have generally proven right on the
money, its crystal ball was much more cloudy when it came to some key
currency calls.
One of Goldman’s top trades for 2010 proved a big loser. The firm’s
currency strategists recommended shorting the New Zealand dollar and going
long the British pound, saying at the time, “We are more bullish on
Sterling, linked to a stronger cyclical momentum in response to a large
easing in financial conditions.”
But the Kiwi has been strong performer this year on the strength of the
country’s rising commodity prices. The analyst who made that call
reportedly apologized to clients in a recent note, saying it may have
results in losses of more 12 percent.
Even Babe Ruth never batted a thousand.
Current DateTime: 10:12:22 22 Dec 2010
LinksList Documentid: 40532015
* Predictions 2011: Sharon Epperson on Commodities
* Predictions 2011: Albert Bozzo On The Economy
* Predictions 2011: Melissa Francis On Energy
* Predictions 2011: Bertha Coombs on Health Care
估计是要跌了. 黑老大说话了.


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Goldman Sachs 2011 Forecast: Stocks, Gold, Oil Higher
: Goldman Sachs is bullish on the U.S. economy for 2011, and forecasts U.S.
: stocks will see their third straight year of gains.
: The investment banking powerhouse sees the S&P 500 [.SPX Loading... ()
: ] gaining nearly 25 percent to a level of 1450 in the next 12 months,
: fueled by strong corporate profits, easy monetary policies and an improving
: U.S. economy.
: Goldman [GS Loading... () ] sees stocks gaining as the U.S. economic
: growth accelerating from 2.5 to 4 percent by the end of 2012, but says
: investors will continue to have doubt. (Watch comments by Goldman's Chief U.

GS said oil price goes to 150$, no one ever believes it but it did happen ...

【在 s*****i 的大作中提到】
: 估计是要跌了. 黑老大说话了.
: ()
: improving
: economic
: U.



【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Goldman Sachs 2011 Forecast: Stocks, Gold, Oil Higher
: Goldman Sachs is bullish on the U.S. economy for 2011, and forecasts U.S.
: stocks will see their third straight year of gains.
: The investment banking powerhouse sees the S&P 500 [.SPX Loading... ()
: ] gaining nearly 25 percent to a level of 1450 in the next 12 months,
: fueled by strong corporate profits, easy monetary policies and an improving
: U.S. economy.
: Goldman [GS Loading... () ] sees stocks gaining as the U.S. economic
: growth accelerating from 2.5 to 4 percent by the end of 2012, but says
: investors will continue to have doubt. (Watch comments by Goldman's Chief U.

thanks for sharing, it really worth take a serious look
Looks like I got the news 3 weeks earlier. hehe


【在 l******n 的大作中提到】
: Goldman Sachs 2011 Forecast: Stocks, Gold, Oil Higher
: Goldman Sachs is bullish on the U.S. economy for 2011, and forecasts U.S.
: stocks will see their third straight year of gains.
: The investment banking powerhouse sees the S&P 500 [.SPX Loading... ()
: ] gaining nearly 25 percent to a level of 1450 in the next 12 months,
: fueled by strong corporate profits, easy monetary policies and an improving
: U.S. economy.
: Goldman [GS Loading... () ] sees stocks gaining as the U.S. economic
: growth accelerating from 2.5 to 4 percent by the end of 2012, but says
: investors will continue to have doubt. (Watch comments by Goldman's Chief U.

But you have to consider the side effects of QE2 ...


【在 g*q 的大作中提到】
: 明年牛市基本上没有什么悬念的,悬念在于到底牛有多大(>还是<15%),牛能持续多长(3-
: 6个月还是3年).还有就是到底哪些sector能最大获益.
