"HOW TO HACK THE STOCK MARKET" anyone read it?
"HOW TO HACK THE STOCK MARKET" anyone read it?# Stock
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So what am I offering you?
I’m offering you a detailed report which shows step-by-step how to make
thousands of dollars from your laptop or PC. This is the same stock market
loophole I still exploit to this day.
Unlike most get-rich-quick forex or stock market products – I’m not going
to overwhelm you with hundreds of pages of cookie-cutter mumbo jumbo, just
to make my product look worthwhile.
There are no motivational anecdotes or blank lined pages for you to make
My report is a no-fluff guide. In fact it’s just 62 pages long. Each
chapter is straight to the point and specific about what you need to do to
replicate my results & start making money. I even have screenshots showing
exactly what to do on your computer!
What really sets my report apart from all those “get-rich-quick” type
courses is that I have something specific to teach you. I made money
exploiting this loophole long before I considered writing this report. I
strongly believe you will be shocked at how logical and simple my loophole
If you want a very expensive sleep-aid, buy one of those infomercial
programs. If you want to start making money in the next week, get this
report instead.
What’s included in the report:
As you’ve probably guessed I’m not a born salesman. I’d rather my product
stands on its own feet. After all if a product is good enough, it doesn’t
need any “selling”.
Instead, I’m just going to describe what’s included in each chapter of the
Chapter 2: A Primer on the Stock Market
Although this chapter is called a “primer” – It is meant for both novice
& advanced readers. Novices will be able to learn the real truths of the
stock market rather than academic fluff. While advanced readers will need to
unlearn a lot of what they think they know.
Chapter 3: So What is This Loophole?
How’s that for straight to the point. Chapter 3 explains everything about
the loophole. Specifically what it is, why it works and why the loophole
will probably never close.
I cannot tell you too much, but the loophole revolves around buying shares
at “giveaway” prices. Think of the loophole as a flaw in the system that
very occasionally pushes the price of specific stocks to 80% lower than
where they should be. (Note: It’s not natural market forces).
Soon after the loophole will “let up” and the share price will jump back
to its natural point (not every time but 90% of the time is enough).
Chapter 4: How to Calculate a Fair Price Per Share
Since you’re buying stock market bargains you need to know how to value any
share of stock. Don’t worry, it isn’t as hard as you think. In this
chapter I show you a “short-cut” which takes just a few minutes per stock.
Unlike most investors you can be very bad at valuing stocks and this
loophole will still work for you. Why?
Because the stocks you’re buying are HUGE bargains. We’re talking 60%, 70%
or higher discounts. You don’t need scales to tell you a 300lb man is
overweight – And you don’t need to be a professor of finance to tell these
“loophole stocks” are BUYS.
Chapter 5: Why You NEVER Pay a Fair Price
In Chapter 4 I teach you a short-cut trick to putting a 'fair value' on any
stock. In this chapter I explain why you never pay even a fair price.
Chapter 6: Insider Trading that is Perfectly Legal
Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading. She needn’t have if she’d
read this chapter. Here I teach you how to “see” exactly what insiders
are doing. When the stock market loophole takes effect most smart company
insiders jump on the band wagon too. I cannot blame them it’s EASY money.
Chapter 7: Real Examples of Loophole Profits
You’ll never see this in an infomercial system. In this chapter I give
specific and detailed “blow-by-blow” accounts of loophole profits. You’ll
see my thinking, how the theory works in practice and how much profit I
Chapter 8: Putting it All Together. A Step-By-Step Guide
By this point you’ll have learnt almost everything and you'll probably be
anxious to get started. But this chapter sews it all together. I give
explicit details and explain things in layman’s terms. This chapter even
has screenshots showing me using the loophole strategy right on my laptop.
Chapter 9: When to Sell
There’s a reason this chapter is last. If you’ve bought a “loophole stock
”, when to sell is not important. Unlike the other chapters I have no
specific, methodical method of deciding when to take profit. If you followed
my plan well, you made your profit almost immediately after you bought in
– If you sell at the best point it’s just the cherry on the cake!
Bonus Chapter #1: Risk Free Profits via The 2nd Loophole
This chapter explains a second loophole I use to stuff my pockets with cash.
But there’s good & bad news. The bad news is the profits are considerably
smaller than with the 1st loophole. But the good news is these “small”
profits are virtually risk-free. (One customer commented “it’s a little
like looking for parking meters with some time left on them”.)
Bonus Chapter #2: How to Totally Automate the Whole Thing
I just added this chapter in the latest revision. I think it's the best part
of the entire report. It explains a weird way of automating everything I
teach you. How to make ALL the money, with NONE of the work.
This is my Pièce de résistance.
How to get this report for just:
When I first wrote “How to Hack the Stock Market”, I sold each copy for $
497. Traders were happy to pay this price because they were able to use the
information to make thousands more within weeks. And because I had been a
highly regarded member of the trading community in which I first sold the
These traders knew and understood that the right information can be
But this high price posed a problem for me.
Not many non-traders are willing to pay such a high price for 62 pages of
You’ see until they’ve read it, and seen the power of this stock market
loophole – I’m just another internet mad man making wild claims.
Anyway, I thought about this long and hard.
Here’s what I decided to do:
The price of this report is $129. That’s the full amount and you’ll never
need to pay a penny more.
BUT... I’m going to let you download the full report today for just $4.95.
Here’s how it will work:
Download it Now... Instantly download a PDF of “How to Hack the Stock
Market” with this trial offer.
Pay Nothing... Pay nothing today, except for the nominal $4.95
processing fee. For US/Canada residents this fee will be spent shipping a
physical copy of the report to you!
Read the Report... Print out and read the report. Within days you’ll be
able to start applying what I teach. I’ll even tell you how to test it out
with a ‘fake money’ brokerage account so you can make absolutely 100%
sure it works.
31-Day Free Trial... You have a 31 day trial period to read my report
and put the strategy to use. If you’re not 110% happy with the report you
can cancel at any time. Otherwise 31 days from today you’ll be billed $124.
05 (the initial $4.95 processing fee is applied towards the normal $129
But, on top of all that:
No matter what happens... I’m still going to give you a 100% money back
guarantee for 60 days.
This means – At any point within 60 days you can email me for a full refund
of every penny you paid. This covers the entire $129 cost of the report.
In other words...
I don’t want to make a single penny selling this report to anyone who isn’
t able to put this valuable information to good use.
Fair enough?
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P.S. In short, for just $4.95 you're going to receive access to my step-by-
step blueprint. A report I've previously sold for $497!
But there is some...
Bad News
Right now I'm offering personal help and support to every client. That means
if you order right now I'll send you my instant messenger ID and can offer
you 1-to-1 help with any problems you have!
This way you can get started earning an income right away - with me as your
personal 'sherpa'.
But I'm going to be forced to pull this offer of personal help soon. There
is only so many hours in the day, and I have a young family. I hope you
Now, if you're FAST- and I mean, you act NOW, today, you should have no
problem in securing a place. This isn't some cheap sales trick either - the
reason is genuine as I've explained.
Once the doors are closed, that's it. You'll still be able to buy the report
- But you won't be in my "Circle of Trust".
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It does not take more than reading the first paragraph to know it is a piece
of crap.


【在 N****w 的大作中提到】
: From
: Add to Cart
: So what am I offering you?
: I’m offering you a detailed report which shows step-by-step how to make
: thousands of dollars from your laptop or PC. This is the same stock market
: loophole I still exploit to this day.
: Unlike most get-rich-quick forex or stock market products – I’m not going
: to overwhelm you with hundreds of pages of cookie-cutter mumbo jumbo, just
: to make my product look worthwhile.



【在 N****w 的大作中提到】
: From
: Add to Cart
: So what am I offering you?
: I’m offering you a detailed report which shows step-by-step how to make
: thousands of dollars from your laptop or PC. This is the same stock market
: loophole I still exploit to this day.
: Unlike most get-rich-quick forex or stock market products – I’m not going
: to overwhelm you with hundreds of pages of cookie-cutter mumbo jumbo, just
: to make my product look worthwhile.

Brief Google search tells me it is a ripoff of some other guy's book about
spinoffs investing. Unfortunately, it's not really profitable to invest in
spinoffs anymore, definitely not for the amount of research that you have to